Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Spring boot war packaging

Spring boot recommends creating an executable jar with an embedded container(tomcat or jetty) during build time and using this executable jar as a standalone process at runtime. It is common however to deploy applications to an external container instead and Spring boot provides packaging the applications as a war specifically for this kind of a need.

My focus here is not to repeat the already detailed Spring Boot instructions on creating the war artifact, but on testing the created file to see if it would reliably work on a standalone container. I recently had an issue when creating a war from a Spring Boot project and deploying it on Jetty and this is essentially a learning from that experience.

The best way to test if the war will work reliably will be to simply use the jetty-maven and/or the tomcat maven plugin, with the following entries to the pom.xml file:


With the plugins in place, starting up the war with the tomcat plugin:
mvn tomcat7:run

and with the jetty plugin:
mvn jetty:run

If there any issues with the way the war has been created, it should come out at start-up time with these containers. For eg, if I were to leave in the embedded tomcat dependencies:


then when starting up the maven tomcat plugin, an error along these lines will show up:
java.lang.ClassCastException: org.springframework.web.SpringServletContainerInitializer cannot be cast to javax.servlet.ServletContainerInitializer

an indication of a servlet jar being packaged with the war file, fixed by specifying the scope as provided in the maven dependencies:

why both jetty and tomcat plugins, the reason is I saw a difference in behavior specifically with websocket support with jetty as the runtime and not in tomcat. So consider the websocket dependencies which are pulled in the following way:

This gave me an error when started up using the jetty runtime, and the fix again is to mark the underlying tomcat dependencies as provided, replace above with the following:


So to conclude, a quick way to verify if the war file produced for a Spring-boot application will cleanly deploy to a container(atleast tomcat and jetty) is to add the tomcat and jetty maven plugins and use these plugins to start the application up. Here is a sample project demonstrating this - https://github.com/bijukunjummen/spring-websocket-chat-sample.git

1 comment:

  1. Got here from Baeldung Weekly Review 45. But this site is not readable under Firefox.
