Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Integrating with RabbitMQ using Spring Cloud Stream

In my previous post I wrote about a very simple integration scenario between two systems - one generating a work unit and another processing that work unit and how Spring Integration makes such integration very easy.

Here I will demonstrate how this integration scenario can be simplified even further using Spring Cloud Stream

I have the sample code available here - the right maven dependencies for Spring Cloud Stream is available in the pom.xml.


So again starting with the producer responsible for generating the work units. All that needs to be done code wise to send messages to RabbitMQ is to have a java configuration along these lines:

public class IntegrationConfiguration {}

This looks deceptively simple but does a lot under the covers, from what I can understand and glean from the documentation these are what this configuration triggers:

1. Spring Integration message channels based on the classes that are bound to the @EnableBinding annotation are created. The WorkUnitsSource class above is the definition of a custom channel called "worksChannel" and looks like this:

import org.springframework.messaging.MessageChannel;

public interface WorkUnitsSource {

    String CHANNEL_NAME = "worksChannel";

    MessageChannel worksChannel();


2. Based on which "binder" implementation is available at runtime(say RabbitMQ, Kaffka, Redis, Gemfire), the channel in the previous step will be connected to the appropriate structures in the system - so for eg, I am want my "worksChannel" to in turn send messages to RabbitMQ, Spring Cloud Stream would take care of automatically creating a topic exchange in RabbitMQ

I wanted some further customizations in terms of how the data is sent to RabbitMQ - specifically I wanted my domain objects to be serialized to json before being sent across and I want to specify the name of the RabbitMQ exchange that the payload is sent to, this is controlled by certain configurations that can be attached to the channel the following way using a yaml file:

          contentType: application/json
          group: testgroup

One final detail is a way for the rest of the application to interact with Spring Cloud Stream, this can be done directly in Spring Integration by defining a message gateway:

import org.springframework.integration.annotation.Gateway;
import org.springframework.integration.annotation.MessagingGateway;
import works.service.domain.WorkUnit;

public interface WorkUnitGateway {
 @Gateway(requestChannel = WorkUnitsSource.CHANNEL_NAME)
 void generate(WorkUnit workUnit);


That is essentially it, Spring Cloud Stream would now wire up the entire Spring integration flow, create the appropriate structures in RabbitMQ.


Similar to the Producer, first I want to define the channel called "worksChannel" which would handle the incoming message from RabbitMQ:

import org.springframework.messaging.SubscribableChannel;

public interface WorkUnitsSink {
    String CHANNEL_NAME = "worksChannel";

    SubscribableChannel worksChannel();

and let Spring Cloud Stream create the channels and RabbitMQ bindings based on this definition:

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;

public class IntegrationConfiguration {}

To process the messages, Spring Cloud Stream provides a listener which can be created the following way:

public class WorkHandler {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WorkHandler.class);

    public void process(WorkUnit workUnit) {"Handling work unit - id: {}, definition: {}", workUnit.getId(), workUnit.getDefinition());

And finally the configuration which connects this channel to the RabbitMQ infrastructure expressed in a yaml file:

          group: testgroup

Now if the producer and any number of consumers were started up, the message sent via the producer would be sent to a Rabbit MQ topic exchange as a json, retrieved by the consumer, deserialized to an object and passed to the work processor.

A good amount of the boiler plate involved in creating the RabbitMQ infrastructure is now handled purely by convention by the Spring Cloud Stream libraries. Though Spring Cloud Stream attempts to provide a facade over the raw Spring Integration, it is useful to have a basic knowledge of Spring integration to use Spring Cloud Stream effectively.

The sample described here is available at my github repository

Monday, August 22, 2016

Integrating with Rabbit MQ using Spring Integration Java DSL

I recently attended the Spring One conference 2016 in Las Vegas and had the good fortune to see from near and far some of the people that I have admired for a long time in the Software World. I personally met two of them who have actually merged some of my Spring Integration related minor contributions from a few years ago - Gary Russel and Artem Bilan and they inspired me to look again at Spring Integration which I have not used for a while.

I was once more reminded of how Spring Integration makes any complex Enterprise integration scenario look easy. I am happy to see that Spring Integration Java based DSL is now fully integrated into the Spring Integration umbrella and higher level abstractions like Spring Cloud Stream(introductions thanks to my good friend and a contributor to this project Soby Chacko) which makes some of the message driven scenarios even easier.

In this post I am just revisiting a very simple integration scenario with RabbitMQ and in a later post will re-implement it using Spring Cloud Stream.

Consider a scenario where two services are talking to each other via a RabbitMQ broker in between, one of them generating some kind of a work, the other processing this work.


The Work unit producing/dispatching part can be expressed in code using Spring Integration Java DSL the following way:

public class WorksOutbound {

    private RabbitConfig rabbitConfig;

    public IntegrationFlow toOutboundQueueFlow() {
        return IntegrationFlows.from("worksChannel")

This is eminently readable - the flow starts by reading a message off a channel called "worksChannel", transforms the message into a json and dispatches it off using an Outbound channel adapter to a RabbitMQ exchange. Now, how does the message get to the channel called "worksChannel" - I have configured it via a Messaging gateway, an entry point to the Spring Integration world -

public interface WorkUnitGateway {
 @Gateway(requestChannel = "worksChannel")
 void generate(WorkUnit workUnit);


So now if a java client wanted to dispatch a "work unit" to rabbitmq, the call would look like this :

WorkUnit sampleWorkUnit = new WorkUnit(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), definition);

I have brushed over a few things here - specifically the Rabbit MQ configuration, that is run of the mill however and is available here


Along the lines of a producer, a consumers flow would start by receiving a message from RabbitMQ queue, transforming it to a domain model and then processing the message, expressed using Spring Integration Java DSL the following way:

public class WorkInbound {

    private RabbitConfig rabbitConfig;

    private ConnectionFactory connectionFactory;

    public IntegrationFlow inboundFlow() {
        return IntegrationFlows.from(
                Amqp.inboundAdapter(connectionFactory, rabbitConfig.worksQueue()).concurrentConsumers(3))
                .handle("workHandler", "process")

The code should be intuitive, the workHandler above is a simple Java pojo and looks like this, doing the very important job of just logging the payload:

public class WorkHandler {
    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(WorkHandler.class);

    public void process(WorkUnit workUnit) {"Handling work unit - id: {}, definition: {}", workUnit.getId(), workUnit.getDefinition());

That is essentially it, Spring Integration provides an awesome facade to what would have been a fairly complicated code had it been attempted using straight Java and raw RabbitMQ libraries. Spring Cloud Stream makes this entire set-up even simpler and would be the topic of a future post.

I have posted this entire code at my github repo if you are interested in taking this for a spin.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

No downtime deployment using "Yet another" Cloud Foundry Gradle plugin

I have been trying my hand at writing a gradle plugin for deploying applications to Cloud Foundry and wrote about this plugin in my previous post. I have now enhanced this plugin with support for no-downtime deploys into Cloud Foundry using two approaches - an Autopilot style deployment and a more commonly used Blue-Green style deployment.

To jump into the meat of the plugin, once it is configured cleanly all you have to do is the following:

For an autopilot style

./gradlew cf-push-autopilot

and for a Blue-Green deployment:

./gradlew cf-push-blue-green

and the plugin tasks would take care of the rest.

What is being solved

If you use Cloud Foundry CLI to push an application to Cloud Foundry, then existing instances of the application is stopped, replaced and started up. This introduces a downtime for the application until the new instance of the application is up. Just to demonstrate this behavior, the following graph represents a steady traffic to a website while an application is pushed to Cloud Foundry - the 30 second blip is when the new app is being started up.

Autopilot and Blue-Green style deployments

Autopilot and Blue-Green styles of deployment fix the issue by carefully orchestrating the deployment of an application such that the external facing route always points to a working version of the application.

The plugin now natively performs all the steps needed for these two styles of no-downtime deployments.

Here is how the same graph looks with an Autopilot style type deployment using the plugin, note that there is a slightly higher response time around the time the new application switches in. Once primed though the response times smooth out:

and with a Blue-Green style deployment using this plugin


1. The details about how to install and configure the plugin is available here -

2. A sample application configured with the plugin is here -

3. The load test using gatling is available here