Thursday, December 26, 2019

Project reactor - de-structuring a Tuple

Tuples are simple data structures that hold a fixed set of items, each of a different data type.

Project Reactor provides a Tuple data structure that can hold about 8 different types.

Tuples are very useful, however one of the issues in using a Tuple is that it is difficult to make out what they hold without de-structuring them at every place they get used.


Consider a simple operator, which zips together a String and an integer this way:

Mono<Tuple2<String,  Integer>> tup ="a"), Mono.just(2))

The output is a Tuple holding 2 elements.

Now, the problem that I have is this. I prefer the tuple to be dereferenced into its component elements before doing anything with it.

Say with the previous tuple, I want to generate as many of the strings(first element of the tuple) as the count(the second element of the tuple), expressed the following way:"a"), Mono.just(2))
    .flatMapMany(tup -> {
        return Flux.range(1, tup.getT2()).map(i -> tup.getT1() + i);

The problem here is when referring to "tup.getT1()" and "tup.getT2()", it is not entirely clear what the tuple holds. Though more verbose I would prefer doing something like this:"a"), Mono.just(2))
    .flatMapMany(tup -> {
        String s = tup.getT1();
        int count = tup.getT2();

        return Flux.range(1, count).map(i -> s + i);


The approach of de-structuring into explicit variables with meaningful name works, but it is a little verbose. A far better approach is provided using a utility set of functions that Project reactor comes with called TupleUtils

I feel it is best explained using a sample, with TupleUtils the previous de-structuring looks like this:"a"), Mono.just(2))
    .flatMapMany(TupleUtils.function((s, count) ->
            Flux.range(1, count).map(i -> s + i)))

This looks far more concise than explicit de-structuring. There is a bit of cleverness that needs some getting used to though:

The signature of flatMapMany is -

public final <R> Flux<R> flatMapMany(Function<? super T,? extends Publisher<? extends R>> mapper)

TupleUtils provides another indirection which returns the Function required above, through another function:

public static <T1, T2, R> Function<Tuple2<T1, T2>, R> function(BiFunction<T1, T2, R> function) {
    return tuple -> function.apply(tuple.getT1(), tuple.getT2());

If you are using Kotlin, there is a simpler approach possible. This is based on the concept of "Destructuring Declarations". Project reactor provides a set of Kotlin helper utilities using an additional gradle dependency:


With this dependency in place, an equivalent Kotlin code looks like this:"a"), Mono.just(2))
    .flatMapMany { (s: String, count: Int) ->
        Flux.range(1, count).map { i: Int -> s + i }

See how a tuple has been de-structured directly into variables. This looks like this in isolation:

val (s: String, count: Int) = tup


It is important to de-structure a tuple into more meaningful variables to improve readability of the code and the useful functions provided by the TupleUtils as well as the Kotlin extensions helps keep the code concise but readable.

The Java samples are here and Kotlin samples here

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Hash a Json

I recently wrote a simple library to predictably hash a json.

The utility is built on top of the excellent Jackson Json parsing library


I needed a hash generated out of a fairly large json based content to later determine if the content has changed at all. Treating json as a string is not an option as formatting, shuffling of keys can skew the results.


The utility is simple - it traverses the Jackson JsonNode representation of the json:

1. For every object node, it sorts the keys and then traverses the elements, calculates aggregated hash from all the children
2. For every array node, it traverses to the elements and aggregates the hash
3. For every terminal node, it takes the key and value and generates the SHA-256 hash from it

This way the hash is generated for the entire tree.

Consider a Jackson Json Node, created the following way in code:

ObjectNode jsonNode = JsonNodeFactory
        .put("key1", "value1");

jsonNode.set("key2", JsonNodeFactory.instance.objectNode()
        .put("child-key2", "child-value2")
        .put("child-key1", "child-value1")
        .put("child-key3", 123.23f));

jsonNode.set("key3", JsonNodeFactory.instance.arrayNode()

String calculatedHash = sha256Hex(
        sha256Hex("key1") + sha256Hex("value1")
                + sha256Hex("key2") + sha256Hex(
                sha256Hex("child-key1") + sha256Hex("child-value1")
                        + sha256Hex("child-key2") + sha256Hex("child-value2")
                        + sha256Hex("child-key3") + sha256Hex("123.23"))
                + sha256Hex("key3") + sha256Hex(
                        + sha256Hex("arr-value2"))

Here the json has 3 keys, "key1", "key2", "key3". "key1" has a primitive text field, "key2" is an object node, "key3" is an array of strings. The calculatedHash shows how the aggregated hash is calculated for the entire tree, the utility follows the same process to aggregate a hash.

If you are interested in giving this a whirl, the library is available in bintray - and hosted on github here -

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Unit test for Spring's WebClient

WebClient to quote its Java documentation is Spring Framework's
Non-blocking, reactive client to perform HTTP requests, exposing a fluent, reactive API over underlying HTTP client libraries such as Reactor Netty

In my current project I have been using WebClient extensively in making service to service calls and have found it to be an awesome API and I love its use of fluent interface.

Consider a remote service which returns a list of "Cities". A code using WebClient looks like this:

import org.springframework.http.MediaType
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.bodyToFlux
import org.springframework.web.util.UriComponentsBuilder
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux

class CitiesClient(
        private val webClientBuilder: WebClient.Builder,
        private val citiesBaseUrl: String
) {

    fun getCities(): Flux<City> {
        val buildUri: URI = UriComponentsBuilder

        val webClient: WebClient =

        return webClient.get()
                .flatMapMany { clientResponse ->

It is difficult to test a client making use of WebClient though. In this post, I will go over the challenges in testing a client using WebClient and a clean solution.

Challenges in mocking WebClient

An effective unit test of the "CitiesClient" class would require mocking of WebClient and every method call in the fluent interface chain along these lines:

val mockWebClientBuilder: WebClient.Builder = mock()
val mockWebClient: WebClient = mock()

val mockRequestSpec: WebClient.RequestBodyUriSpec = mock()
val mockRequestBodySpec: WebClient.RequestBodySpec = mock()



val citiesJson: String = this.javaClass.getResource("/sample-cities.json").readText()

val clientResponse: ClientResponse = ClientResponse


val citiesClient = CitiesClient(mockWebClientBuilder, "http://somebaseurl")

val cities: Flux<City> = citiesClient.getCities()

This makes for an extremely flaky test as any change in the order of calls would result in new mocks that will need to be recorded.

Testing using real endpoints

An approach that works well is to bring up a real server that behaves like the target of a client. Two mock servers that work really well are mockwebserver in okhttp library and WireMock. An example with Wiremock looks like this:

import com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.WireMockServer
import com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.client.WireMock
import com.github.tomakehurst.wiremock.core.WireMockConfiguration
import org.bk.samples.model.City
import org.junit.jupiter.api.AfterAll
import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeAll
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux
import reactor.test.StepVerifier

class WiremockWebClientTest {

    fun testARemoteCall() {
        val citiesJson = this.javaClass.getResource("/sample-cities.json").readText()
                .withHeader("Accept", WireMock.equalTo("application/json"))
                        .withHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")

        val citiesClient = CitiesClient(WebClient.builder(), "http://localhost:${WIREMOCK_SERVER.port()}")

        val cities: Flux<City> = citiesClient.getCities()
                .expectNext(City(1L, "Portland", "USA", 1_600_000L))
                .expectNext(City(2L, "Seattle", "USA", 3_200_000L))
                .expectNext(City(3L, "SFO", "USA", 6_400_000L))

    companion object {
        private val WIREMOCK_SERVER = WireMockServer(WireMockConfiguration.wireMockConfig().dynamicPort())

        fun beforeAll() {

        fun afterAll() {

Here a server is being brought up at a random port, it is then injected with a behavior and then the client is tested against this server and validated. This approach works and there is no muddling with the internals of WebClient in mocking this behavior, but technically this is an integration test and it will be slower to execute than a pure unit test.

Unit testing by short-circuiting the remote call

An approach that I have been using recently is to short circuit the remote call using an ExchangeFunction. An ExchangeFunction represents the actual mechanisms in making the remote call and can be replaced with one that responds with what the test expects the following way:

import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test
import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.ClientResponse
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.ExchangeFunction
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux
import reactor.core.publisher.Mono
import reactor.test.StepVerifier

class CitiesWebClientTest {

    fun testCleanResponse() {
        val citiesJson: String = this.javaClass.getResource("/sample-cities.json").readText()

        val clientResponse: ClientResponse = ClientResponse
        val shortCircuitingExchangeFunction = ExchangeFunction {

        val webClientBuilder: WebClient.Builder = WebClient.builder().exchangeFunction(shortCircuitingExchangeFunction)
        val citiesClient = CitiesClient(webClientBuilder, "http://somebaseurl")

        val cities: Flux<City> = citiesClient.getCities()

                .expectNext(City(1L, "Portland", "USA", 1_600_000L))
                .expectNext(City(2L, "Seattle", "USA", 3_200_000L))
                .expectNext(City(3L, "SFO", "USA", 6_400_000L))

The WebClient is injected with a ExchangeFunction which simply returns a response with the expected behavior of the remote server. This has short circuited the entire remote call and allows the client to be tested comprehensively. This approach depends on a little knowledge of the internals of the WebClient. This is a decent compromise though as it would run far faster than a test using WireMock.

This approach is not original though, I have based this test on some of the tests used for testing WebClient itself, for eg, the one here


I personally prefer the last approach, it has enabled me to write fairly comprehensive unit tests for a Client making use of WebClient for remote calls. My project with fully working samples is here.

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Chicken and egg - resolving Spring properties ahead of a test

Consider a service class responsible for making a remote call and retrieving a detail:

public class CitiesService {
    private final WebClient.Builder webClientBuilder;
    private final String baseUrl;

    public CitiesService(
            WebClient.Builder webClientBuilder,
            @Value("${cityservice.url}") String baseUrl) {
        this.webClientBuilder = webClientBuilder;
        this.baseUrl = baseUrl;

    public Flux<City> getCities() {

This is a Spring Bean and resolves the url to call through a property called "cityservice.url".

If I wanted to test this class, an approach that I have been using when using WebClient is to start a mock server using the excellent Wiremock and using it to test this class. A Wiremock mock looks like this:

    private static final WireMockServer WIREMOCK_SERVER =
            new WireMockServer(wireMockConfig().dynamicPort());


                .withHeader("Accept", equalTo("application/json"))
                        .withHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")

The Wiremock server is being started up at a random port and it is set to respond to an endpoint called "/cities". Here is where the chicken and egg problem comes up:

1. The CitiesService class requires a property called "cityservice.url" to be set before starting the test.
2. Wiremock is started at a random port and the url that it is responding to is "http://localhost:randomport" and is available only once the test is kicked off.

There are three potential solutions that I can think of to break this circular dependency:

Approach 1: To use a hardcoded port

This approach depends on starting up Wiremock on a fixed port instead of a dynamic port, this way the property can be set when starting the test up, something like this:

@SpringBootTest(classes = CitiesServiceHardcodedPortTest.SpringConfig.class,
        properties = "cityservice.url=http://localhost:9876")
public class CitiesServiceHardcodedPortTest {
    private static final WireMockServer WIREMOCK_SERVER =
            new WireMockServer(wireMockConfig().port(9876));

Here Wiremock is being started at port 9876 and the property at startup is being set to "http://localhost:9876/".

This solves the problem, however, this is not CI server friendly, it is possible for the ports to collide at runtime and this makes for a flaky test.

Approach 2: Not use Spring for test

A better approach is to not use the property, along these lines:

public class CitiesServiceDirectTest {
    private static final WireMockServer WIREMOCK_SERVER =
            new WireMockServer(wireMockConfig().dynamicPort());

    private CitiesService citiesService;

    public void beforeEachTest() {
        final WebClient.Builder webClientBuilder = WebClient.builder();

        this.citiesService = new CitiesService(webClientBuilder, WIREMOCK_SERVER.baseUrl());

Here the service is being created by explicitly setting the baseUrl in the constructor, thus avoiding the need to set a property ahead of the test.

Approach 3: Application Context Initializer

ApplicationContextInitializer is used for programmatically initializing a Spring Application Context and it can be used with a test to inject in the property before the actual test is executed. Along these lines:

@SpringBootTest(classes = CitiesServiceSpringTest.SpringConfig.class)
@ContextConfiguration(initializers = {CitiesServiceSpringTest.PropertiesInitializer.class})
public class CitiesServiceSpringTest {
    private static final WireMockServer WIREMOCK_SERVER =
            new WireMockServer(wireMockConfig().dynamicPort());

    private CitiesService citiesService;

    public void testGetCitiesCleanFlow() throws Exception {

    static class PropertiesInitializer implements ApplicationContextInitializer<ConfigurableApplicationContext> {

        public void initialize(ConfigurableApplicationContext applicationContext) {
                    "cityservice.url=" + "http://localhost:" + WIREMOCK_SERVER.port()


Wiremock is started up first, then Spring context is initialized using the initializer which injects in the "cityservice.url" property using the Wiremocks dynamic port, this way the property is available for wiring into CityService.


I personally prefer Approach 2, however it is good to have Spring's wiring and the dependent beans created ahead of the test and if the class utilizes these then I prefer Approach 3. Application Context initializer provides a good way to break the chicken and egg problem with properties like these which need to be available ahead of Spring's context getting engaged.

All the code samples are available here:

Approach 1:
Approach 2:
Approach 3:

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Callback hell and Reactive patterns

One of the ways that I have better understood the usefulness of a Reactive Streams based approach is how it simplifies a Non-blocking IO call.

This post will be a quick walkthrough of the kind of code involved in making a synchronous remote call, then show how layering in Non-blocking IO though highly efficient in the use of resources(especially threads) introduces complications referred to as a callback hell and how a reactive streams based approach simplifies the programming model.

Target Service

Since I will be writing a client call, my target service representing the details of a City has two endpoints. One returning a list of city id's when called with a uri of type - "/cityids" and a sample result looks like this:


and an endpoint returning the details of a city given its id, for example when called using an id of 1 - "/cities/1":

    "country": "USA",
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Portland",
    "pop": 1600000

The client's responsibility is to get the list of city id's and then for each city id get the detail of the city and put it together into a list of cities.

Synchronous call

I am using Spring Framework's RestTemplate to make the remote call. A Kotlin function to get the list of cityids looks like this:

private fun getCityIds(): List<String> {
    val cityIdsEntity: ResponseEntity<List<String>> = restTemplate
                    object : ParameterizedTypeReference<List<String>>() {})
    return cityIdsEntity.body!!

and to get the details of a city:

private fun getCityForId(id: String): City {
    return restTemplate.getForObject("http://localhost:$localServerPort/cities/$id",!!

Given these two functions it is easy to compose them such that a list of cities is returned:

val cityIds: List<String> = getCityIds()
val cities: List<City> = cityIds
        .map<City> { cityId -> getCityForId(cityId) }

cities.forEach { city -> }

The code is very easy to understand, however, there are 8 blocking calls involved -
1. to get the list of 7 city ids and then to get the details for each
2. To get the details of each of the 7 cities

Each of these calls would have been on a different thread.

Using Non-Blocking IO with callback

I will be using a library called AsyncHttpClient to make a non-blocking IO call.

AyncHttpClient returns a ListenableFuture type when a remote call is made.

val responseListenableFuture: ListenableFuture<Response> = asyncHttpClient

A callback can be attached to a Listenable future to act on the response when available.

responseListenableFuture.addListener(Runnable {
    val response: Response = responseListenableFuture.get()
    val responseBody: String = response.responseBody
    val cityIds: List<Long> = objectMapper.readValue<List<Long>>(responseBody,
            object : TypeReference<List<Long>>() {})

Given the list of cityids I want to get the details of the city, so from the response I need to make more remote calls and attach a callback for each of the calls to get the details of the city along these lines:

val responseListenableFuture: ListenableFuture<Response> = asyncHttpClient

responseListenableFuture.addListener(Runnable {
    val response: Response = responseListenableFuture.get()
    val responseBody: String = response.responseBody
    val cityIds: List<Long> = objectMapper.readValue<List<Long>>(responseBody,
            object : TypeReference<List<Long>>() {}) { cityId ->
        val cityListenableFuture = asyncHttpClient

        cityListenableFuture.addListener(Runnable {
            val cityDescResp = cityListenableFuture.get()
            val cityDesc = cityDescResp.responseBody
            val city = objectMapper.readValue(cityDesc,
  "Got city: $city")
        }, executor)
}, executor)

This is a gnarly piece of code, there is set of callbacks within a callback which is very difficult to reason about and make sense of and hence referred to as the callback hell.

Using Non-Blocking IO with Java CompletableFuture

This code can be improved a little by returning a Java's CompletableFuture as the return type instead of the ListenableFuture. CompletableFuture provides operators that allow the return type to modified and returned.

As an example, consider the function to get the list of city ids:

private fun getCityIds(): CompletableFuture<List<Long>> {
    return asyncHttpClient
            .thenApply { response ->
                val s = response.responseBody
                val l: List<Long> = objectMapper.readValue(s, object : TypeReference<List<Long>>() {})

Here I am using the "thenApply" operator to transform "CompletableFuture<Response>" to "CompletableFuture<List<Long>>

And similarly to get the detail a city:

private fun getCityDetail(cityId: Long): CompletableFuture<City> {
    return asyncHttpClient.prepareGet("http://localhost:$localServerPort/cities/$cityId")
            .thenApply { response ->
                val s = response.responseBody
      "Got {}", s)
                val city = objectMapper.readValue(s,

This is an improvement from the Callback based approach, however, CompletableFuture lacks sufficient operators, say in this specific instance where all the city details need to be put together:

val cityIdsFuture: CompletableFuture<List<Long>> = getCityIds()
val citiesCompletableFuture: CompletableFuture<List<City>> =
                .thenCompose { l ->
                    val citiesCompletable: List<CompletableFuture<City>> =
                                    .map { cityId ->

                    val citiesCompletableFutureOfList: CompletableFuture<List<City>> =
                                    .thenApply { _: Void? ->
                                                .map { it.join() }

I have used an operator called CompletableFuture.allOf which returns a "Void" type and has to be coerced to return the desired type of ""CompletableFuture<List<City>>.

Using Project Reactor

Project Reactor is an implementation of the Reactive Streams specification. It has two specialized types to return a stream of 0/1 item and a stream of 0/n items - the former is a Mono, the latter a Flux.

Project Reactor provides a very rich set of operators that allow the stream of data to be transformed in a variety of ways. Consider first the function to return a list of City ids:

private fun getCityIds(): Flux<Long> {
    return webClient.get()
            .flatMapMany { response ->
      "Received cities..")

I am using Spring's excellent WebClient library to make the remote call and get a Project reactor "Mono<ClientResponse>" type of response, which can be modified to a "Flux<Long>" type using the "flatMapMany" operator.

Along the same lines to get the detail of the city, given a city id:

private fun getCityDetail(cityId: Long?): Mono<City> {
    return webClient.get()
            .uri("/cities/{id}", cityId!!)
            .flatMap { response ->
                val city: Mono<City> = response.bodyToMono()
      "Received city..")

Here a Project reactor "Mono<ClientResponse>" type is being transformed to "Mono<City>" type using the "flatMap" operator.

and the code to get the cityids and then the City's from it:

val cityIdsFlux: Flux<Long> = getCityIds()
val citiesFlux: Flux<City> = cityIdsFlux
        .flatMap { this.getCityDetail(it) }

return citiesFlux

This is very expressive - contrast the mess of a callback based approach and the simplicity of the reactive streams based approach.


In my mind, this is one of the biggest reasons to use a Reactive Streams based approach and in particular Project Reactor for scenarios that involve crossing asynchronous boundaries like in this instance to make remote calls. It cleans up the mess of callbacks and callback hells and provides a natural approach of modifying/transforming types using a rich set of operators.

My repository with a working version of all the samples that I have used here is available at

Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Functional Hystrix using Spring Cloud HystrixCommands

Spring's WebClient provides a non-blocking client for making service to service calls. Hystrix, though now in a maintenance mode, has been used for protecting service to service calls by preventing cascading failures, providing circuit breakers for calls to slow or faulty upstream services.

In this post, I will be exploring how Spring Cloud provides a newer functional approach to wrapping a remote call with Hystrix.

Consider a simple service that returns a list of entities, say a list of cities, modeled using the excellent Wiremock tool:

                .withHeader("Accept", WireMock.equalTo("application/json"))
                        .withHeader("Content-Type", "application/json")))

When called with a uri of the type "/cities" this Wiremock endpoint responds with a json of the following type:

    "country": "USA",
    "id": 1,
    "name": "Portland",
    "pop": 1600000
    "country": "USA",
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Seattle",
    "pop": 3200000
    "country": "USA",
    "id": 3,
    "name": "SFO",
    "pop": 6400000

after a delay of 5 seconds.

Traditional approach

There are many approaches to using Hystrix, I have traditionally preferred an approach where an explicit Hystrix Command protects the remote call, along these lines:

import org.bk.samples.model.City
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import org.springframework.http.MediaType
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.bodyToFlux
import org.springframework.web.util.UriComponentsBuilder
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux
import rx.Observable
import rx.RxReactiveStreams
import rx.schedulers.Schedulers

class CitiesHystrixCommand(
        private val webClientBuilder: WebClient.Builder,
        private val citiesBaseUrl: String
) : HystrixObservableCommand<City>(
                        .withExecutionTimeoutInMilliseconds(4000))) {
    override fun construct(): Observable<City> {
        val buildUri: URI = UriComponentsBuilder

        val webClient: WebClient =

        val result: Flux<City> = webClient.get()
                .flatMapMany { clientResponse ->

        return RxReactiveStreams.toObservable(result)

    override fun resumeWithFallback(): Observable<City> {
        LOGGER.error("Falling back on cities call", executionException)
        return Observable.empty()

    companion object {
        private val LOGGER: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(

This code can now be used to make a remote call the following way:

import org.springframework.http.MediaType
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient

class CitiesHystrixCommandBasedClient(
        private val webClientBuilder: WebClient.Builder,
        private val citiesBaseUrl: String
) {
    fun getCities(): Flux<City> {
        val citiesObservable: Observable<City> = CitiesHystrixCommand(webClientBuilder, citiesBaseUrl)

        return Flux

Two things to note here,
1. WebClient returns a Project Reactor "Flux" type representing a list of cities, however Hystrix is Rx-Java 1 based, so Flux is being transformed to Rx-Java Observable using "RxReactiveStreams.toObservable()" call, provided by the RxJavaReactiveStreams library here.

2. I still want Project Reactor "Flux" type to be used in the rest of the application, so there is another adapter that converts the Rx-Java Observable back to a Flux - "Flux.from(RxReactiveStreams.toPublisher(citiesObservable))" once the call wrapped in Hystrix returns.

If I were to try this client with the wiremock sample with the 5 second delay, it correctly handles the delay and returns after a second.

Functional approach

There is a lot of boiler-plate with the previous approach which is avoided with the new functional approach of using HystrixCommands, a utility class which comes with Spring Cloud which provides a functional approach to making the remote call wrapped with Hystrix.

The entirety of the call using HystrixCommands looks like this:

import org.bk.samples.model.City
import org.slf4j.Logger
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory
import org.springframework.http.MediaType
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.WebClient
import org.springframework.web.reactive.function.client.bodyToFlux
import org.springframework.web.util.UriComponentsBuilder
import reactor.core.publisher.Flux
import rx.schedulers.Schedulers

class CitiesFunctionalHystrixClient(
        private val webClientBuilder: WebClient.Builder,
        private val citiesBaseUrl: String
) {
    fun getCities(): Flux<City> {
        return HystrixCommands
                .toObservable { obs ->
                .fallback { t: Throwable ->
                    LOGGER.error(t.message, t)

    fun callCitiesService(): Flux<City> {
        val buildUri: URI = UriComponentsBuilder

        val webClient: WebClient =

        return webClient.get()
                .flatMapMany { clientResponse ->

    companion object {
        private val LOGGER: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(

A lot of boiler-plate is avoided with this approach -
1. an explicit command is not required anymore
2. the call and the fallback are coded in a fluent manner
3. Any overrides can be explicitly specified - in this specific instance the timeout of 1 second.


I like the conciseness which HystrixCommands brings to the usage of Hystrix with WebClient. I have the entire sample available in my github repo -, all the dependencies required to get the samples to work is part of this repo. If you are interested in sticking with Rx-Java 1, then an approach described here may help you avoid boiler-plate with vanilla Hystrix

Tuesday, March 5, 2019

Water Pouring Problem with Kotlin and Vavr

The first time I saw the Water Pouring Problem being programmatically solved was the excellent lectures on functional Programming by Martin Odersky on Coursera. The solution demonstrates the power of lazy evaluation in Streams with Scala.

Solving Water Pouring Problem using Kotlin

I wanted to explore how I can rewrite the solution described by Martin Odersky using Kotlin and I realized two things - one is that the immutable data structures that Kotlin offers are simply wrappers over Java Collections library and are not truly immutable, secondly the solution using Streams feature in Java will be difficult. However, the Vavr offers a good alternative to both - a first-class Immutable collections library and a Streams library and I took a crack at replicating the solution with Kotlin and Vavr.

A Cup looks like this, represented as a Kotlin data class:

import io.vavr.collection.List

data class Cup(val level: Int, val capacity: Int) {
    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Cup($level/$capacity)"

Since the water pouring problem repesents the "state" of a set of cups, this can be simply represented as a "typealias" the following way:
typealias State = List<Cup>

There are 3 different types of moves that can be performed with the water in the cup - Empty it, Fill it, or Pour from one cup to another, represented again as Kotlin Data classes:

interface Move {
    fun change(state: State): State

data class Empty(val glass: Int) : Move {
    override fun change(state: State): State {
        val cup = state[glass]
        return state.update(glass, cup.copy(level = 0))

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Empty($glass)"

data class Fill(val glass: Int) : Move {
    override fun change(state: State): State {
        val cup = state[glass]
        return state.update(glass, cup.copy(level = cup.capacity))

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Fill($glass)"

data class Pour(val from: Int, val to: Int) : Move {
    override fun change(state: State): State {
        val cupFrom = state[from]
        val cupTo = state[to]
        val amount = min(cupFrom.level, cupTo.capacity - cupTo.level)

        return state
                .update(from, cupFrom.copy(cupFrom.level - amount))
                .update(to, cupTo.copy(level = cupTo.level + amount))

    override fun toString(): String {
        return "Pour($from,$to)"

The implementation is making use of Vavr's List data structures "update" method to create a new list with just the relevant elements updated.

A "Path" represents a history of moves leading to the current state:

data class Path(val initialState: pour.State, val endState: State, val history: List<Move>) {
    fun extend(move: Move) = Path(initialState, move.change(endState), history.prepend(move))

    override fun toString(): String {
        return history.reverse().mkString(" ") + " ---> " + endState

I am using the "prepend" method of the list to add elements to the beginning of history. Prepending to a list is an O(1) operation whereas appending is O(n), hence the choice.

Given a "state", a set of possible moves to change the "state" are the following -

1. Empty the glasses -

(0 until count).map { Empty(it) }

2. Fill the glasses -

(0 until count).map { Fill(it) }

3. Pour from one glass to another -

(0 until count).flatMap { from ->
    (0 until initialState.length()).filter { to -> from != to }.map { to ->
        Pour(from, to)

Now, all these moves are used for advancing from one state to another. Consider say 2 cups with capacity of 4 and 9 litres, initially filled with 0 litres of water, represented as "List(Cup(0/4), Cup(0/9))", with all possible moves the next set of states of the cups are the following:

Similarly, advancing each of these states to a new set of states would like this(in a somewhat simplified form):

As each State advances to a next set of states based on all possible moves, it can be seen that there will be an explosion of possible paths, this is where laziness offered by the Stream data structure of Vavr comes in. The values in a stream are only computed on request.

Given a set of paths, new paths are created using Stream the following way:

fun from(paths: Set<Path>, explored: Set<State>): Stream<Set<Path>> {
    if (paths.isEmpty) {
        return Stream.empty()
    } else {
        val more = paths.flatMap { path ->
   { move ->
                val next: Path = path.extend(move)
            }.filter { !explored.contains(it.endState) }
        return Stream.cons(paths) { from(more, explored.addAll( { it.endState })) }

So, now given a stream of potential paths from the initial state to a new state, a solution to a "target" state becomes:

val pathSets = from(hashSet(initialPath), hashSet())

fun solution(target: State): Stream<Path> {
    return pathSets.flatMap { it }.filter { path -> path.endState == target }

That covers the solution, a test with this code looks like this - there are two cups of 4 litre and 9 litre capacity, initially filled with 0 litres of water. The final target state is to get the second cup filled with 6 litres of water:

val initialState = list(Cup(0, 4), Cup(0, 9))
val pouring = Pouring(initialState)

pouring.solution(list(Cup(0, 4), Cup(6, 9)))
    .take(1).forEach { path ->

when run, this spits out the following solution:

Fill(1) Pour(1,0) Empty(0) Pour(1,0) Empty(0) Pour(1,0) Fill(1) Pour(1,0) Empty(0) ---> List(Cup(0/4), Cup(6/9))

Graphically represented, the solution looks like this:

It may be easier to simply follow a working version of the sample which is available in my github repo -


Although Kotlin lacks first class support for native immutable datastructures, I feel that a combination of Vavr with Kotlin makes for a solution that is as elegant as the Scala one.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Spring-Boot 2.1.x and overriding bean definition

I was recently migrating an application from Spring Boot 1.5.X to Spring Boot 2.X and saw an issue with overriding Spring Bean definitions. One of the configurations was along these lines in Kotlin:

class DynamoConfig {

    fun dynamoDbAsyncClient(dynamoProperties: DynamoProperties): DynamoDbAsyncClient {

    fun dynampoDbSyncClient(dynamoProperties: DynamoProperties): DynamoDbClient {

Now, for a test I wanted to override these 2 bean definitions and did something along these lines:

class DynamoConfigTest {

    fun saveHotel() {
        val hotelRepo = DynamoHotelRepo(localDynamoExtension.asyncClient!!)
        val hotel = Hotel(id = "1", name = "test hotel", address = "test address", state = "OR", zip = "zip")
        val resp = hotelRepo.saveHotel(hotel)


    class SpringConfig {
        fun dynamoDbAsyncClient(dynamoProperties: DynamoProperties): DynamoDbAsyncClient {

        fun dynamoDbSyncClient(dynamoProperties: DynamoProperties): DynamoDbClient {

This type of overriding works with Spring Boot 1.5.X but fails with Spring Boot 2.1.X with an error:

Invalid bean definition with name 'dynamoDbAsyncClient' defined in sample.dyn.repo.DynamoConfigTest$SpringConfig:.. 
There is already .. defined in class path resource [sample/dyn/config/DynamoConfig.class]] bound

I feel this behavior is right, not allowing beans to overridden this way is the correct default behavior for an application, however I do want the ability to override the beans for tests and thanks to a Stack Overflow answer and Spring Boot 2.1.X release notes, the fix is to allow overrides using a property "spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding=true", so with this change, the test looks like this:

@SpringBootTest(properties = ["spring.main.allow-bean-definition-overriding=true"])
class DynamoConfigTest {

    fun saveHotel() {
        val hotelRepo = DynamoHotelRepo(localDynamoExtension.asyncClient!!)
        val hotel = Hotel(id = "1", name = "test hotel", address = "test address", state = "OR", zip = "zip")
        val resp = hotelRepo.saveHotel(hotel)


    class SpringConfig {
        fun dynamoDbAsyncClient(dynamoProperties: DynamoProperties): DynamoDbAsyncClient {

        fun dynamoDbSyncClient(dynamoProperties: DynamoProperties): DynamoDbClient {

Friday, January 4, 2019

Unit testing DynamoDB applications using JUnit5

In a previous post I had described the new AWS SDK for Java 2 which provides non-blocking IO support for Java clients calling different AWS services. In this post I will go over an approach that I have followed to unit test the AWS DynamoDB calls.

There are a few ways to spin up a local version of DynamoDB -

1. AWS provides a DynamoDB local
2. Localstack provides a way to spin up a good number of AWS services locally
3. A docker version of DynamoDB Local
4. Dynalite, a node based implementation of DynamoDB

Now to be able to unit test an application, I need to be able to start up an embedded version of DynamoDB using one of these options right before a test runs and then shut it down after a test completes. There are three approaches that I have taken:

1. Using a JUnit 5 extension that internally brings up a AWS DynamoDB Local and spins it down after a test.
2. Using testcontainers to start up a docker version DynamoDB Local
3. Using testcontainers to start up DynaLite

JUnit5 extension

JUnit5 extension provides a convenient hook point to start up an embedded version of DynamoDB for tests. It works by pulling in a version of DynamoDB Local as a maven dependency:

dependencies {

A complication with this dependency is that there are native components (dll, .so etc) that the DynamoDB Local interacts with and to get these in the right place, I depend on a Gradle task:

task copyNativeDeps(type: Copy) {
 mkdir "build/native-libs"
 from(configurations.testCompileClasspath) {
  include '*.dll'
  include '*.dylib'
  include '*.so'
 into 'build/native-libs'

test {
 dependsOn copyNativeDeps

which puts the native libs in build/native-libs folder, and the extension internally sets this path as a system property:

System.setProperty("sqlite4java.library.path", libPath.toAbsolutePath().toString())

Here is the codebase to the JUnit5 extension with all these already hooked up -

A test using this extension looks like this:

class HotelRepoTest {
    companion object {
        val localDynamoExtension = LocalDynamoExtension()

        fun beforeAll() {
            val dbMigrator = DbMigrator(localDynamoExtension.syncClient!!)

    fun saveHotel() {
        val hotelRepo = DynamoHotelRepo(localDynamoExtension.asyncClient!!)
        val hotel = Hotel(id = "1", name = "test hotel", address = "test address", state = "OR", zip = "zip")
        val resp = hotelRepo.saveHotel(hotel)


The code can interact with a fully featured DynamoDB.

TestContainers with DynamoDB Local Docker

The JUnit5 extensions approach works well but it requires an additional dependency with native binaries to be pulled in. A cleaner approach may be to use the excellent Testcontainers to spin up a docker version of DynamoDB Local the following way:

class HotelRepoLocalDynamoTestContainerTest {
    fun saveHotel() {
        val hotelRepo = DynamoHotelRepo(getAsyncClient(dynamoDB))
        val hotel = Hotel(id = "1", name = "test hotel", address = "test address", state = "OR", zip = "zip")
        val resp = hotelRepo.saveHotel(hotel)


    companion object {
        val dynamoDB: KGenericContainer = KGenericContainer("amazon/dynamodb-local:1.11.119")

        fun beforeAll() {

        fun afterAll() {

        fun getAsyncClient(dynamoDB: KGenericContainer): DynamoDbAsyncClient {
            val endpointUri = "http://" + dynamoDB.getContainerIpAddress() + ":" +
            val builder: DynamoDbAsyncClientBuilder = DynamoDbAsyncClient.builder()
                                    .create("acc", "sec")))


This code starts up DynamoDB at a random unoccupied port and provides this information so that the client can be created using this information. There is a little Kotlin workaround that I had to do based on an issue reported here -

TestContainers with Dynalite

Dynalite is a javascript based implementation of DynamoDB and can be run for tests again using the TestContainer approach. This time however there is already a TestContainer module for Dynalite. I found that it does not support JUnit5 and sent a Pull request to provide this support, in the iterim the raw docker image can be used and this is how a test looks like:

class HotelRepoDynaliteTestContainerTest {
    fun saveHotel() {
        val hotelRepo = DynamoHotelRepo(getAsyncClient(dynamoDB))
        val hotel = Hotel(id = "1", name = "test hotel", address = "test address", state = "OR", zip = "zip")
        val resp = hotelRepo.saveHotel(hotel)


    companion object {
        val dynamoDB: KGenericContainer = KGenericContainer("")

        fun beforeAll() {
            val dbMigrator = DbMigrator(getSyncClient(dynamoDB))

        fun afterAll() {

        fun getAsyncClient(dynamoDB: KGenericContainer): DynamoDbAsyncClient {
            val endpointUri = "http://" + dynamoDB.getContainerIpAddress() + ":" +
            val builder: DynamoDbAsyncClientBuilder = DynamoDbAsyncClient.builder()
                                    .create("acc", "sec")))


All of the approaches are useful in being able to test integration with DynamoDB. My personal preference is using the TestContainers approach if a docker agent is available else with the JUnit5 extension approach. The samples with fully working tests using all the three approaches are available in my github repo -