Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Ratio based routing to a legacy and a modern app - Netflix Zuul via Spring Cloud

A very common requirement when migrating from a legacy version of an application to a modernized version of the application is to be able to migrate the users slowly over to the new application. In this post I will be going over this kind of a routing layer written using support for Netflix Zuul through Spring Cloud . Before I go ahead I have to acknowledge that most of the code demonstrated here has been written in collaboration with the superlative Shaozhen Ding


I have a legacy service which has been re-engineered to a more modern version(assumption is that as part of this migration the uri's of the endpoints have not changed). I want to migrate users slowly over from the legacy application over to the modern version.

Implementation using Spring Cloud Netflix - Zuul Support

This can be easily implemented using Netflix Zuul support in Spring Cloud project.

Zuul is driven by a set of filters which act on a request before(pre filters), during(route filters) and after(post filters) a request to a backend. Spring Cloud adds it custom set of filters to Zuul and drives the behavior of these filters by configuration that looks like this:

      path: /routes/**
      strip-prefix: false

This specifies that Zuul will be handling a request to Uri with prefix "/routes" and this prefix will not be stripped from the downstream call. This logic is encoded into a "PreDecorationFilter". My objective is to act on the request AFTER the PreDecorationFilter and specify the backend to be either the legacy version or the modern version. Given this a filter which acts on the request looks like this:

import com.netflix.zuul.ZuulFilter;
import com.netflix.zuul.context.RequestContext;

public class RatioBasedRoutingZuulFilter extends ZuulFilter {

    public static final String LEGACY_APP = "legacy";
    public static final String MODERN_APP = "modern";
    private Random random = new Random();
    private RatioRoutingProperties ratioRoutingProperties;

    public String filterType() {
        return "pre";

    public int filterOrder() {
        return FilterConstants.PRE_DECORATION_FILTER_ORDER + 1;

    public boolean shouldFilter() {
        RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();
        return ctx.containsKey(SERVICE_ID_KEY)
                && ctx.get(SERVICE_ID_KEY).equals("ratio-route");

    public Object run() {
        RequestContext ctx = RequestContext.getCurrentContext();

        if (isTargetedToLegacy()) {
            ctx.put(SERVICE_ID_KEY, LEGACY_APP);
        } else {
            ctx.put(SERVICE_ID_KEY, MODERN_APP);
        return null;

    boolean isTargetedToLegacy() {
        return random.nextInt(100) < ratioRoutingProperties.getOldPercent();

The filter is set to act after the "PreDecorationFilter" by overriding the filterOrder() method. The routing logic is fairly naive but should work for most cases. The serviceId being set in the Zuul context has a value of "legacy" or "modern" and represents a "named" Ribbon client, a handle using which the details of the backend can be set. So with Spring Cloud, my named clients are mapped to the legacy and modern versions of the app the following way:

    listOfServers: http://localhost:8081

    DeploymentContextBasedVipAddresses: modern-app

Here just for a little more variation I am making a direct call to an endpoint for the legacy app and making a call via Eureka for the modern version of the application.

If you are interested in exploring the entirety of the application it is available in my github repo

With the entire set-up in place, a small test with the legacy handling 20% of the traffic confirms that the filter works effectively:


Spring Cloud support for Netflix Zuul makes handling such routing scenarios a cinch and should be a good fit for any organization having these kinds of routing scenarios that they may want to implement.

Friday, May 19, 2017

Cloud Foundry Custom User Provided Services(CUPS) and tagging

Custom User Provided Services or CUPS for short is a way to deliver credentials for external services to an application hosted on Cloud Foundry.

Consider a set of credentials represented as a json of the following form:

 "hostname": "mysql-broker.local.pcfdev.io",
 "jdbcUrl": "jdbc:mysql://mysql-broker.local.pcfdev.io:3306/somedb?user=someuser\u0026password=somepass",
 "name": "somedb",
 "password": "somepass",
 "port": 3306,
 "uri": "mysql://someuser:somepass@mysql-broker.local.pcfdev.io:3306/somedb?reconnect=true",
 "username": "someuser"

I could create a user provided service out of these values using cf-cli. The following is highly bash shell specific, so on a different shell the mileage is likely to vary:

CUPS_PARAM=$(cat <<-'EOF'
 "hostname": "mysql-broker.local.pcfdev.io",
 "jdbcUrl": "jdbc:mysql://mysql-broker.local.pcfdev.io:3306/somedb?user=someuser\u0026password=somepass",
 "name": "somedb",
 "password": "somepass",
 "port": 3306,
 "uri": "mysql://someuser:somepass@mysql-broker.local.pcfdev.io:3306/somedb?reconnect=true",
 "username": "someuser"

cf create-user-provided-service mycups -p ''"$CUPS_PARAM"''

This Custom User provided service can be bound to an app:

cf bind-service myapp mycups

and the application can retrieve the credentials via an environment variable called VCAP_SERVICES at runtime.


There is one small issue with the Custom User provided services over normal services created via Service Brokers on Cloud Foundry - there is no simple way to tag a Custom User Provided service. Tags are sometimes useful in getting a little more information about the service bound to an app and is extensively used by Spring Cloud Connectors to connect to services.


I have written a custom service broker called the CUPS tagging broker using which a service can be created with all the parameters normally passed to create the CUPS, additionally since it is a normal service it can be tagged.

Assuming that the "CUPS tagging broker" has been installed using the instructions here, an equivalent user provided service with tags can be created the following way, with two tags attached to the service:

cf create-service cups-tagging-service default my-cups-tagged -c ''"$CUPS_PARAM"'' -t "tag1, tag2"

If I were to bind this service to an app, the VCAP_SERVICES environment variable of the app would be along these lines:

  "credentials": {
    "hostname": "mysql-broker.local.pcfdev.io",
    "jdbcUrl": "jdbc:mysql://mysql-broker.local.pcfdev.io:3306/somedb?user=someuser&password=somepass",
    "name": "somedb",
    "password": "somepass",
    "port": 3306,
    "uri": "mysql://someuser:somepass@mysql-broker.local.pcfdev.io:3306/somedb?reconnect=true",
    "username": "someuser"
  "syslog_drain_url": null,
  "volume_mounts": [

  "label": "cups-tagging-service",
  "provider": null,
  "plan": "default",
  "name": "my-cups-tagged",
  "tags": [

See how the two additional tags show up.

That is all there is to the CUPS tagging Service Broker!

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Integrating Gatling into a Gradle build - Understanding SourceSets and Configuration

I recently worked on a project where we had to integrate the excellent load testing tool Gatling into a Gradle based build. There are gradle plugins available which make this easy, two of them being this and this, however for most of the needs a simple execution of the command line tool itself suffices, so this post will go into some details of how gatling can be hooked up into a gradle build and in the process understand some good gradle concepts.

SourceSets and Configuration

To execute the gatling cli I need to do two things, I need a location for the source code and related content of the Gatling simulations, and I need a way to get the gatling libraries. This is where two concepts of Gradle(SourceSets and Configuration) come into play.

Let us start with the first one - SourceSets.


SourceSets are simply a logical grouping of related files and are best demonstrated with an example. If I were to add a "java" plugin to a gradle build:

apply plugin: 'java'

sourceSets property would now show up with two values "main" and "test" and if I wanted to find details of the these sourceSets, a gradle task can be used for printing the details:

task sourceSetDetails {
    doLast {
        sourceSets {
            main {
                println java.properties
                println resources.properties
            test {
                println java.properties
                println resources.properties

Coming back to gatling, I can essentially create a new sourceSet to hold the gatling simulations:

sourceSets {

This would now expect the gatling simulations to reside in "src/simulations/java" and the resources related to it in "src/simulations/resources" folders, which is okay, but ideally I would want to keep it totally separate from the project sources. I would want my folder structure to be with load simulations in "simulations/load" and resources in "simulations/resources" folder. This can be tweaked by first applying the "scala" plugin, which brings in scala compilation support to the project and then modifying the "simulations" source set along these lines:

apply plugin: 'scala'

sourceSets {
    simulations {
        scala {
            srcDirs = ['simulations/load']
        resources {
            srcDirs = ['simulations/resources']

With these set of changes, I can now put my simulations in the right place, but the dependency of gatling and scala has not been pulled in, this is where the "configuration" feature of gradle comes in.


Gradle Configuration is a way of grouping related dependencies together. If I were to print the existing set of configurations using a task:

task showConfigurations  {
    doLast {
        configurations.all { conf -> println(conf) }

these show up:

configuration ':archives'
configuration ':compile'
configuration ':compileClasspath'
configuration ':compileOnly'
configuration ':default'
configuration ':runtime'
configuration ':simulationsCompile'
configuration ':simulationsCompileClasspath'
configuration ':simulationsCompileOnly'
configuration ':simulationsRuntime'
configuration ':testCompile'
configuration ':testCompileClasspath'
configuration ':testCompileOnly'
configuration ':testRuntime'
configuration ':zinc'

"compile" and "testCompile" should be familiar one's, that is where a normal source dependency and a test dependency is typically declared like this:

dependencies {
    compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-api:1.7.21'
    testCompile 'junit:junit:4.12'   

However, it also looks like there is now configuration for "simulations" sourceset also available - "simulationsCompile" and "simulationsRuntime" etc, so with this I can declare the dependencies required for my gatling simulations using these configurations, however my intention is to declare a custom configuration just to go over the concept a little more, so let us explicitly declare one:

configurations {

and use this configuration for declaring the dependencies of gatling:
dependencies {
    gatling 'org.scala-lang:scala-library:2.11.8'
    gatling 'io.gatling.highcharts:gatling-charts-highcharts:2.2.5'

Almost there, now how do we tell the sources in simulations source set to use dependency from gatling configuration..by tweaking the sourceSet a little:

sourceSets {
    simulations {
        scala {
            srcDirs = ['simulations/load']
        resources {
            srcDirs = ['simulations/resources']

        compileClasspath += configurations.gatling

Running a Gatling Scenario

With the source sets and the configuration defined, all we need to do is to write a task to run a gatling simulation, which can be along these lines:

task gatlingRun(type: JavaExec) {
    description = 'Run gatling tests'
    new File("${buildDir}/reports/gatling").mkdirs()

    classpath = sourceSets.simulations.runtimeClasspath + configurations.gatling

    main = "io.gatling.app.Gatling"
    args = ['-s', 'simulations.SimpleSimulation',
            '-sf', 'simulations/resources',
            '-df', 'simulations/resources',
            '-rf', "${buildDir}/reports/gatling"

See how the compiled sources of the simulations and the dependencies from the gatling configuration is being set as the classpath for the "JavaExec" task

A good way to review this would be to look at a complete working sample that I have here in my github repo - https://github.com/bijukunjummen/cf-show-env