Thursday, October 4, 2012

Spring MVC - static resource handling with / servlet-mapping

A servlet mapping of "/" registers a "default" servlet - if a request comes in which matches a mapping in the web.xml file then the request will be handled by that servlet, however if no servlet is found matching a specific request pattern then the request is handled by the "default" servelt.

The "default" servlet is also responsible for handling the requests to the static content in a web application.

A convention for Spring MVC based applications is to register the Spring MVC Front Controller called the DispatcherServlet with a servlet mapping of '/'



This enables Spring MVC to handle all the requests coming to the web application, except for cases where other specific mappings are available. A good example of a case where a specific mapping may be required is to configure the front controller for Apache CXF to accept webservice requests to /webservices servlet path:


Given that it is the "default" servlet which handles the request for the static resources like images, and the default servlet with Spring MVC is the DispatcherServlet, there are a few recommendations to serve out static content from Spring MVC based web applications:

1. Using mvc:resources -
For eg.
<mvc:resources mapping="/resources/**" location="/public-resources/"/>

This enables serving any static content whose location can be specified as a Spring Resource

2. Using mvc:default-servlet-handler:
 <mvc:default-servlet-handler />
This provides a way to serve out the static content from the root of the web application even though the Dispatcher Servlet is registered at /, the details of how Spring does this is available at the Spring documentation site here - in brief the responsibility is delegated to the containers default servlet.


  1. Yesterday only I have implemented the above.

  2. Thanks for the article.If I have images outside the server context, how will I access through http.

  3. Wonderful article.How can we access images say from X directory through http call and display the same in webpage.

  4. Finally I got what is the purpose of thanks a lot

  5. Thank you! Finally found mvc:default-servlet-handler
