Consider a simple function which takes two String, converts them to integer and then divides them(sample based on scaladoc of Try) :
1 2 3 4 5 | fun divide(dividend: String, divisor: String): Int { val num = dividend.toInt() val denom = divisor.toInt() return num / denom } |
It is the callers responsibility to ensure that any exception that is propagated from this implementation is handled appropriately using the exception handling mechanism of Java/Kotlin:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | try { divide( "5t" , "4" ) } catch (e: ArithmeticException) { println( "Got an exception $e" ) } catch (e: NumberFormatException) { println( "Got an exception $e" ) } |
My objective with the "Try" code will be to transform the "divide" to something which looks like this:
1 2 3 4 5 | fun divideFn(dividend: String, divisor: String): Try<Int> { val num = Try { dividend.toInt() } val denom = Try { divisor.toInt() } return num.flatMap { n -> { d -> n / d } } } |
A caller of this variant of "divide" function will not have an exception to handle through a try/catch block, instead, it will get back the exception as a value which it can introspect and act on as needed.
1 2 3 4 5 | val result = divideFn( "5t" , "4" ) when(result) { is Success -> println( "Got ${result.value}" ) is Failure -> println( "An error : ${result.e}" ) } |
Kotlin implementation
The "Try" type has two implementations corresponding to the "Success" path or a "Failure" path and implemented as a sealed class the following way:1 2 3 4 5 | sealed class Try<out T> {} data class Success<out T>(val value: T) : Try<T>() {} data class Failure<out T>(val e: Throwable) : Try<T>() {} |
The "Success" type wraps around the successful result of an execution and "Failure" type wraps any exception thrown from the execution.
So now, to add some meat to these, my first test is to return one of these types based on a clean and exceptional implementation, along these lines:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | val trySuccessResult: Try<Int> = Try { 4 / 2 } assertThat(trySuccessResult.isSuccess()).isTrue() val tryFailureResult: Try<Int> = Try { 1 / 0 } assertThat(tryFailureResult.isFailure()).isTrue() |
This can be achieved through a "companion object" in Kotlin, similar to static methods in Java, it returns either a Success type or a Failure type based on the execution of the lambda expression:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 | sealed class Try<out T> { ... companion object { operator fun <T> invoke(body: () -> T): Try<T> { return try { Success(body()) } catch (e: Exception) { Failure(e) } } } ... } |
Now that a caller has a "Try" type, they can check whether it is a "Success" type or a "Failure" type using the "when" expression like before, or using "isSuccess" and "isFailure" methods which are delegated to the sub-types like this:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | sealed class Try<out T> { abstract fun isSuccess(): Boolean abstract fun isFailure(): Boolean } data class Success<out T>(val value: T) : Try<T>() { override fun isSuccess(): Boolean = true override fun isFailure(): Boolean = false } data class Failure<out T>(val e: Throwable) : Try<T>() { override fun isSuccess(): Boolean = false override fun isFailure(): Boolean = true } |
in case of Failure a default can be returned to the caller, something like this in a test:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 | val t1 = Try { 1 } assertThat(t1.getOrElse( 100 )).isEqualTo( 1 ) val t2 = Try { "something" } .map { it.toInt() } .getOrElse( 100 ) assertThat(t2).isEqualTo( 100 ) |
again implemented by delegating to the subtypes:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 | sealed class Try<out T> { abstract fun get(): T abstract fun getOrElse( default : @UnsafeVariance T): T abstract fun orElse( default : Try< @UnsafeVariance T>): Try<T> } data class Success<out T>(val value: T) : Try<T>() { override fun getOrElse( default : @UnsafeVariance T): T = value override fun get() = value override fun orElse( default : Try< @UnsafeVariance T>): Try<T> = this } data class Failure<out T>(val e: Throwable) : Try<T>() { override fun getOrElse( default : @UnsafeVariance T): T = default override fun get(): T = throw e override fun orElse( default : Try< @UnsafeVariance T>): Try<T> = default } |
The biggest advantage of returning a "Try" type, however, is in chaining further operations on the type.
Chaining with map and flatMap
"map" operation is passed a lambda expression to transform the value in some form - possibly even to a different type:1 2 3 4 5 | val t1 = Try { 2 } val t2 ={ it * 2 }).map { it.toString()} assertThat(t2).isEqualTo(Success( "4" )) |
Here a number is being doubled and then converted to a string. If the initial Try were a "Failure" then the final value will simply return the "Failure" along the lines of this test:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | val t1 = Try { 2 / 0 } val t2 ={ it * 2 }).map { it * it } assertThat(t2).isEqualTo(Failure<Int>((t2 as Failure).e)) |
Implementing "map" is fairly straightforward:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 | sealed class Try<out T> { fun <U> map(f: (T) -> U): Try<U> { return when ( this ) { is Success -> Try { f( this .value) } is Failure -> this as Failure<U> } } } |
flatmap, on the other hand, takes in a lambda expression which returns another "Try" type and flattens the result back into a "Try" type, along the lines of this test:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | val t1 = Try { 2 } val t2 = t1 .flatMap { i -> Try { i * 2 } } .flatMap { i -> Try { i.toString() } } assertThat(t2).isEqualTo(Success( "4" )) |
Implementing this is simple too, along the following lines:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 | sealed class Try<out T> { fun <U> flatMap(f: (T) -> Try<U>): Try<U> { return when ( this ) { is Success -> f( this .value) is Failure -> this as Failure<U> } } } |
The "map" and "flatMap" methods are the power tools of this type, allowing chaining of complex operations together focusing on the happy path.