Monday, May 2, 2016

Approaches to binding a Spring Boot application to a service in Cloud Foundry

If you want to try out Cloud Foundry the simplest way to do that is to download the excellent PCF Dev or to create a trial account at the Pivotal Web Services site.

The rest of the post assumes that you have an installation of Cloud Foundry available to you and that you have a high level understanding of Cloud Foundry. The objective of this post is to list out of the options you have in integrating your Java application to a service instance - this demo uses mysql as a sample service to integrate with but the approach is generic enough.

Overview of the Application

The application is fairly simple Spring-Boot app, it is a REST service exposing three domain types and their relationships, representing a university - Course, Teacher and Student. The domain instances are persisted to a MySQL database. The entire source code and the approaches are available at this github location if you want to jump ahead.

To try the application locally, first install a local mysql server database, on a Mac OSX box with homebrew available, the following set of commands can be run:

brew install mysql

mysql.server start
mysql -u root
# on the mysql prompt: 

CREATE USER 'univadmin'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'univadmin';
GRANT ALL ON univdb.* TO 'univadmin'@'localhost';

Bring up the Spring-Boot under cf-db-services-sample-auto:

mvn spring-boot:run

and an endpoint with a sample data will be available at http://localhost:8080/courses.

Trying this application on Cloud Foundry

If you have an installation of PCF Dev running locally, you can try out a deployment of the application the following way:

cf api --skip-ssl-validation
cf login # login with admin/admin credentials

Create a Mysql service instance:
cf create-service p-mysql 512mb mydb

and push the app! (manifest.yml provides the binding of the app to the service instance)
cf push

An endpoint should be available at

Approaches to service connectivity

Now that we have an application that works locally and on a sample local Cloud Foundry, these are the approaches to connecting to a service instance.

Approach 1 - Do nothing, let the Java buildpack handle the connectivity details

This approach is demonstrated in the cf-db-services-sample-auto project. Here the connectivity to the local database has been specified using Spring Boot and looks like this:


    show-sql: true
    hibernate.ddl-auto: none
    database: MYSQL

    driverClassName: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
    url: jdbc:mysql://localhost/univdb?autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false
    username: univadmin
    password: univadmin

When this application is pushed to Cloud Foundry using the Java Buildpack, a component called the java-buildpack-auto-reconfiguration is injected into the application which reconfigures the connectivity to the service based on the runtime service binding.

Approach 2 - Disable Auto reconfiguration and use runtime properties

This approach is demonstrated in the cf-db-services-sample-props project. When a service is bound to an application, there is a set of environment properties injected into the application under the key "VCAP_SERVICES". For this specific service the entry looks something along these lines:

  "p-mysql": [
    "credentials": {
     "hostname": "",
     "jdbcUrl": "jdbc:mysql://**\u0026password=***",
     "name": "cf_456d9e1e_e31e_43bc_8e94_f8793dffdad5",
     "password": "***",
     "port": 3306,
     "uri": "mysql://***:***",
     "username": "***"
    "label": "p-mysql",
    "name": "mydb",
    "plan": "512mb",
    "provider": null,
    "syslog_drain_url": null,
    "tags": [

The raw json is a little unwieldy to consume, however Spring Boot automatically converts this data into a flat set of properties that looks like this:

"": "512mb",
"": "******",
"": "******",
"": "******",
"": "******",
"[0]": "mysql",
"": "******",
"": "mysql",
"": "******",
"": "p-mysql",
"": "",
"": "",
"": "******",
"": "mydb",

Given this, the connectivity to the database can be specified in a Spring Boot application the following way - in a application.yml file:

    url: ${}
    username: ${}
    password: ${}

One small catch though is that since I am now explicitly taking control of specifying the service connectivity, the runtime java-buildpack-auto-reconfiguration has to be disabled, which can done by a manifest metadata:
  - name: cf-db-services-sample-props
    path: target/cf-db-services-sample-props-1.0.0.RELEASE.jar
    memory: 512M
      - mydb



Approach 3 - Using Spring Cloud Connectors

The third approach is to use the excellent Spring Cloud Connectors project and a configuration which specifies a service connectivity looks like this and is demonstrated in the cf-db-services-sample-connector sub-project:

public  class CloudFoundryDatabaseConfig {

    public Cloud cloud() {
        return new CloudFactory().getCloud();

    public DataSource dataSource() {
        DataSource dataSource = cloud().getServiceConnector("mydb", DataSource.class, null);
        return dataSource;

Pros and Cons

These are the Pros and Cons with each of these approaches:

Approaches Pros Cons
Approach 1 - Let Buildpack handle it
1. Simple, the application that works locally will work without any changes on the cloud

1. Magical - the auto-reconfiguration may appear magical to someone who does not understand the underlying flow
2. The number of service types supported is fairly limited -
say for eg, if a connectivity is required to Cassandra then Auto-reconfiguration will not work
Approach 2 - Explicit Properties 1. Fairly straightforward.
2. Follows the Spring Boot approach and uses some of the best practices of Boot based applications - for eg, there is a certain order in which datasource connection pools are created, all those best practices just flow in using this approach.
1. The Auto-reconfiguration will have to be explicitly disabled
2. Need to know what the flattened properties look like
3. A "cloud" profile may have to be manually injected through environment properties to differentiate local development and cloud deployment
4. Difficult to encapsulate reusability of connectivity to newer service types - say Cassandra or DynamoDB.
Approach 3 - Spring Cloud Connectors 1. Simple to integrate
2. Easy to add in re-usable integration to newer service types
1. Bypasses the optimizations of Spring Boot connection pool logic.


My personal preference is to go with Approach 2 as it most closely matches the Spring Boot defaults, not withstanding the cons of the approach. If more complicated connectivity to a service is required I will likely go with approach 3. Your mileage may vary though


1. Scott Frederick's spring-music has been a constant guide.
2. I have generously borrowed from Ben Hale's pong_matcher_spring sample.


  1. Excellent information. Disabling ' java-buildpack-auto-reconfiguration' as explained in approach 2 above is what fixed my problem. Thanks!

  2. Wonderful article, very infromative.

  3. Thank you for this excellent article! It was my main guide figuring out how to set up and deploy a Spring boot app using a database on CF.

    1. btw - there was one thing we didn't figure out yet: using a Postgres service on Pivotal, we get environment variables like this

      "VCAP_SERVICES": {
      "elephantsql": [
      "credentials": {
      "uri": "postgres://user:pass@server:5432/dbname

      (ie. no jdbcUrl / userName / password). Therefore, we tried setting application-cloud.yml (as in your example) like this:

      uri: ${{postgres-servicename}.credentials.uri}

      but that made it fall back to local application.yml's spring - datasource postgres connection data, which obviously failed there. Commenting out the local settings made it fail to find any data source, so there's obviously a mismatch there.

      Do you know if there a way to have Pivotal come with the jdbcUrl / userName / password connection VCAP properties, or does using a uri connection string require another syntax maybe?

      I couldn't find a solution to fix this today, although it was easy enough to get the application working with JBP_CONFIG_SPRING_AUTO_RECONFIGURATION set to *true*. We'd still prefer to use the manual settings.


    2. Yes, good catch Lúthien, I am not entirely sure why the connection url's are munged up this way by some of the services :-). I think it may be better to depend on Spring Cloud Connectors for such scenarios(Approach 3 or Approach 1 like you found), it understands how to get the details from such uri's and put it together the right way.

    3. Thank you! We will look into that.
