Monday, June 29, 2015

Learning Spring-Cloud - Writing a microservice

Continuing my Spring-Cloud learning journey, earlier I had covered how to write the infrastructure components of a typical Spring-Cloud and Netflix OSS based micro-services environment - in this specific instance two critical components, Eureka to register and discover services and Spring Cloud Configuration to maintain a centralized repository of configuration for a service. Here I will be showing how I developed two dummy micro-services, one a simple "pong" service and a "ping" service which uses the "pong" service.

Sample-Pong microservice

The endpoint handling the "ping" requests is a typical Spring MVC based endpoint:

public class PongController {

    private String message;

    @RequestMapping(value = "/message", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public Resource<MessageAcknowledgement> pongMessage(@RequestBody Message input) {
        return new Resource<>(
                new MessageAcknowledgement(input.getId(), input.getPayload(), message));


It gets a message and responds with an acknowledgement. Here the service utilizes the Configuration server in sourcing the "reply.message" property. So how does the "pong" service find the configuration server, there are potentially two ways - directly by specifying the location of the configuration server, or by finding the Configuration server via Eureka. I am used to an approach where Eureka is considered a source of truth, so in this spirit I am using Eureka to find the Configuration server. Spring Cloud makes this entire flow very simple, all it requires is a "bootstrap.yml" property file with entries along these lines:

    name: sample-pong
        enabled: true
        serviceId: SAMPLE-CONFIG

    nonSecurePort: ${server.port:8082}
      defaultZone: http://${}:${eureka.port:8761}/eureka/

The location of Eureka is specified through the "eureka.client.serviceUrl" property and the "" is set to "true" to specify that the configuration server is discovered via the specified Eureka server.

Just a note, this means that the Eureka and the Configuration server have to be completely up before trying to bring up the actual services, they are the pre-requisites and the underlying assumption is that the Infrastructure components are available at the application boot time.

The Configuration server has the properties for the "sample-pong" service, this can be validated by using the Config-servers endpoint - http://localhost:8888/sample-pong/default, 8888 is the port where I had specified for the server endpoint, and should respond with a content along these lines:

"name": "sample-pong",
  "profiles": [
  "label": "master",
  "propertySources": [
      "name": "classpath:/config/sample-pong.yml",
      "source": {
        "reply.message": "Pong"

As can be seen the "reply.message" property from this central configuration server will be used by the pong service as the acknowledgement message

Now to set up this endpoint as a service, all that is required is a Spring-boot based entry point along these lines:

public class PongApplication {
    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

and that completes the code for the "pong" service.

Sample-ping micro-service

So now onto a consumer of the "pong" micro-service, very imaginatively named the "ping" micro-service. Spring-Cloud and Netflix OSS offer a lot of options to invoke endpoints on Eureka registered services, to summarize the options that I had:

1. Use raw Eureka DiscoveryClient to find the instances hosting a service and make calls using Spring's RestTemplate.

2. Use Ribbon, a client side load balancing solution which can use Eureka to find service instances

3. Use Feign, which provides a declarative way to invoke a service call. It internally uses Ribbon.

I went with Feign. All that is required is an interface which shows the contract to invoke the service:

package org.bk.consumer.feign;

import org.bk.consumer.domain.Message;
import org.bk.consumer.domain.MessageAcknowledgement;
import org.springframework.http.MediaType;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestBody;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod;
import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ResponseBody;

public interface PongClient {

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, value = "/message",
            produces = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
    MessageAcknowledgement sendMessage(@RequestBody Message message);

The annotation @FeignClient("samplepong") internally points to a Ribbon "named" client called "samplepong". This means that there has to be an entry in the property files for this named client, in my case I have these entries in my application.yml file:

    DeploymentContextBasedVipAddresses: sample-pong
    ReadTimeout: 5000
    MaxAutoRetries: 2

The most important entry here is the "samplepong.ribbon.DeploymentContextBasedVipAddresses" which points to the "pong" services Eureka registration address using which the service instance will be discovered by Ribbon.

The rest of the application is a routine Spring Boot application. I have exposed this service call behind Hystrix which guards against service call failures and essentially wraps around this FeignClient:

package org.bk.consumer.service;

import org.bk.consumer.domain.Message;
import org.bk.consumer.domain.MessageAcknowledgement;
import org.bk.consumer.feign.PongClient;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Qualifier;
import org.springframework.stereotype.Service;

public class HystrixWrappedPongClient implements PongClient {

    private PongClient feignPongClient;

    @HystrixCommand(fallbackMethod = "fallBackCall")
    public MessageAcknowledgement sendMessage(Message message) {
        return this.feignPongClient.sendMessage(message);

    public MessageAcknowledgement fallBackCall(Message message) {
        MessageAcknowledgement fallback = new MessageAcknowledgement(message.getId(), message.getPayload(), "FAILED SERVICE CALL! - FALLING BACK");
        return fallback;

"Boot"ing up

I have dockerized my entire set-up, so the simplest way to start up the set of applications is to first build the docker images for all of the artifacts this way:

mvn clean package docker:build -DskipTests

and bring all of them up using the following command, the assumption being that both docker and docker-compose are available locally:

docker-compose up

Assuming everything comes up cleanly, Eureka should show all the registered services, at http://dockerhost:8761 url -

The UI of the ping application should be available at http://dockerhost:8080 url -

Additionally a Hystrix dashboard should be available to monitor the requests to the "pong" app at this url http://dockerhost:8989/hystrix/monitor?


1. The code is available at my github location -

2. Most of the code is heavily borrowed from the spring-cloud-samples repository -

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Rx-java subscribeOn and observeOn

If you have been confused by Rx-java Observable subscribeOn and observeOn, one of the blog articles that helped me understand these operations is this one by Graham Lea. I wanted to recreate a very small part of the article here, so consider a service which emits values every 200 millseconds:

package obs.threads;

import obs.Util;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import rx.Observable;

public class GeneralService {
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GeneralService.class);
    public Observable<String> getData() {
        return Observable.<String>create(s -> {
  "Start: Executing a Service");
            for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {
      "Emitting {}", "root " + i);
                s.onNext("root " + i);
  "End: Executing a Service");

Now, if I were to subscribe to this service, this way:

public void testThreadedObservable1() throws Exception {
    Observable<String> ob1 = aService.getData();

    CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);

    ob1.subscribe(s -> {
        Util.delay(500);"Got {}", s);
    }, e -> logger.error(e.getMessage(), e), () -> latch.countDown());


All of the emissions and subscriptions will act on the main thread and something along the following lines will be printed:

20:53:29.380 [main] INFO  o.t.GeneralService - Start: Executing a Service
20:53:29.587 [main] INFO  o.t.GeneralService - Emitting root 1
20:53:30.093 [main] INFO  o.t.ThreadedObsTest - Got root 1
20:53:30.298 [main] INFO  o.t.GeneralService - Emitting root 2
20:53:30.800 [main] INFO  o.t.ThreadedObsTest - Got root 2
20:53:31.002 [main] INFO  o.t.GeneralService - Emitting root 3
20:53:31.507 [main] INFO  o.t.ThreadedObsTest - Got root 3
20:53:31.507 [main] INFO  o.t.GeneralService - End: Executing a Service

By default the emissions are not asynchronous in nature. So now, what is the behavior if subscribeOn is used:

public class ThreadedObsTest {
    private GeneralService aService = new GeneralService();

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ThreadedObsTest.class);
    private ExecutorService executor1 = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5, new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("SubscribeOn-%d").build());

 public void testSubscribeOn() throws Exception {
        Observable<String> ob1 = aService.getData();

        CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);

        ob1.subscribeOn(Schedulers.from(executor1)).subscribe(s -> {
  "Got {}", s);
        }, e -> logger.error(e.getMessage(), e), () -> latch.countDown());


Here I am using Guava's ThreadFactoryBuilder to give each thread in the threadpool a unique name pattern, if I were to execute this code, the output will be along these lines:

20:56:47.117 [SubscribeOn-0] INFO  o.t.GeneralService - Start: Executing a Service
20:56:47.322 [SubscribeOn-0] INFO  o.t.GeneralService - Emitting root 1
20:56:47.828 [SubscribeOn-0] INFO  o.t.ThreadedObsTest - Got root 1
20:56:48.032 [SubscribeOn-0] INFO  o.t.GeneralService - Emitting root 2
20:56:48.535 [SubscribeOn-0] INFO  o.t.ThreadedObsTest - Got root 2
20:56:48.740 [SubscribeOn-0] INFO  o.t.GeneralService - Emitting root 3
20:56:49.245 [SubscribeOn-0] INFO  o.t.ThreadedObsTest - Got root 3
20:56:49.245 [SubscribeOn-0] INFO  o.t.GeneralService - End: Executing a Service

Now, the execution has moved away from the main thread and the emissions and the subscriptions are being processed in the threads borrowed from the threadpool.

And what happens if observeOn is used:
public class ThreadedObsTest {
    private GeneralService aService = new GeneralService();

    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ThreadedObsTest.class);
    private ExecutorService executor1 = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(5, new ThreadFactoryBuilder().setNameFormat("SubscribeOn-%d").build());

 public void testObserveOn() throws Exception {
        Observable<String> ob1 = aService.getData();

        CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(1);

        ob1.observeOn(Schedulers.from(executor2)).subscribe(s -> {
  "Got {}", s);
        }, e -> logger.error(e.getMessage(), e), () -> latch.countDown());


the output is along these lines:

21:03:08.655 [main] INFO  o.t.GeneralService - Start: Executing a Service
21:03:08.860 [main] INFO  o.t.GeneralService - Emitting root 1
21:03:09.067 [main] INFO  o.t.GeneralService - Emitting root 2
21:03:09.268 [main] INFO  o.t.GeneralService - Emitting root 3
21:03:09.269 [main] INFO  o.t.GeneralService - End: Executing a Service
21:03:09.366 [ObserveOn-1] INFO  o.t.ThreadedObsTest - Got root 1
21:03:09.872 [ObserveOn-1] INFO  o.t.ThreadedObsTest - Got root 2
21:03:10.376 [ObserveOn-1] INFO  o.t.ThreadedObsTest - Got root 3

The emissions are now back on the main thread but the subscriptions are being processed in a threadpool.

That is the difference, when subscribeOn is used the emissions are performed on the specified Scheduler, when observeOn is used the subscriptions are performed are on the specified scheduler!

And the output when both are specified is equally predictable. Now in all cases I had created a Scheduler using a ThreadPool with 5 threads but only 1 of the threads has really been used both for emitting values and for processing subscriptions, this is actually the normal behavior of Observables. If you want to make more efficient use of the Threadpool, one approach may be to create multiple Observable's, say for eg, if I have a service which returns pages of data this way:

public Observable<Integer> getPages(int totalPages) {
    return Observable.create(new Observable.OnSubscribe<Integer>() {
        public void call(Subscriber<? super Integer> subscriber) {
  "Getting pages");
            for (int i = 1; i <= totalPages; i++) {

and another service which acts on each page of the data:

public Observable<String> actOnAPage(int pageNum) {
    return Observable.<String>create(s -> {
        Util.delay(200);"Acting on page {}",  pageNum);
        s.onNext("Page " + pageNum);

a way to use a Threadpool to process each page of data would be to chain it this way:

getPages(5).flatMap(  page -> aService.actOnAPage(page).subscribeOn(Schedulers.from(executor1)) )
                .subscribe(s -> {
          "Completed Processing page: {}", s);

see how the subscribeOn is on the each Observable acting on a page. With this change, the output would look like this:

21:15:45.572 [main] INFO  o.t.ThreadedObsTest - Getting pages
21:15:45.787 [SubscribeOn-1] INFO  o.t.GeneralService - Acting on page 2
21:15:45.787 [SubscribeOn-0] INFO  o.t.GeneralService - Acting on page 1
21:15:45.787 [SubscribeOn-4] INFO  o.t.GeneralService - Acting on page 5
21:15:45.787 [SubscribeOn-3] INFO  o.t.GeneralService - Acting on page 4
21:15:45.787 [SubscribeOn-2] INFO  o.t.GeneralService - Acting on page 3
21:15:45.789 [SubscribeOn-1] INFO  o.t.ThreadedObsTest - Completed Processing page: Page 2
21:15:45.790 [SubscribeOn-1] INFO  o.t.ThreadedObsTest - Completed Processing page: Page 1
21:15:45.790 [SubscribeOn-1] INFO  o.t.ThreadedObsTest - Completed Processing page: Page 3
21:15:45.790 [SubscribeOn-1] INFO  o.t.ThreadedObsTest - Completed Processing page: Page 4
21:15:45.791 [SubscribeOn-1] INFO  o.t.ThreadedObsTest - Completed Processing page: Page 5

Now the threads in the threadpool are being used uniformly.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Learning Spring-Cloud - Infrastructure and Configuration

I got a chance to play with Spring-Cloud to create a sample set of cloud ready microservices and I am very impressed by how Spring-Cloud enables different infrastructure components and services to work together nicely.

I am used to creating microservices based on Netflix OSS based stack and typically in a Netflix stack Eureka is considered the hub using which the microservices register themselves and discover each other. In the spirit of this model, I wanted to try out a series of services which look like this:

There are 2 microservices here:

  • A sample-pong service which responds to "ping" messages
  • A sample-ping service which uses the "pong" micro-service

And there are two infrastructure components:

  • Sample-config which provides a centralized configuration for the 2 microservices
  • Eureka which is the central hub providing a way for the services to register themselves and discover other services

So to start with, here I will introduce how I went about using spring-cloud to develop the two infrastructure components and follow it up with how the microservices can be developed to use these components.
The entire project is available at my github location.


Spring-cloud makes it very simple to bring up an instance of Eureka, all that is required is a class along the following lines:

package org.bk.eureka;

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;

public class EurekaApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

Multiple instances of Eureka can be started up and can be configured to work together in a resilient way, here though I just want a demo standalone Eureka instance and this can be done using a configuration which looks like this, essentially starting up eureka on port 8761 and in a standalone mode by not trying to look for peers:

# application.yml
  port: 8761

    hostname: localhost
    registerWithEureka: false
    fetchRegistry: false

Configuration Server

Spring-Cloud provides a centralized configuration server that microservices can use for loading up their properties. Typically microservices may want to go one of two ways:

  1. Use Eureka as a hub and find the configuration services
  2. Use Configuration services and find Eureka

I personally prefer the Eureka first approach, in this sample Configuration server registers itself with Eureka and when microservices come up they first check with Eureka, find the Configuration service and use the service to load up their properties.

The configuration server is simple to write using Spring-cloud too, the following is all the code that is required:

package org.bk.configserver;

import org.springframework.boot.SpringApplication;
import org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.SpringBootApplication;

public class ConfigServerApplication {

    public static void main(String[] args) {, args);

and the configuration that registers this service with Eureka:

# bootstrap.yml
    name: sample-config
    active: native

    nonSecurePort: ${server.port:8888}
      defaultZone: http://${}:${eureka.port:8761}/eureka/

# application.yml
          searchLocations: classpath:/config

  port: 8888

The configuration server is being started at port 8888, and provides configuration from the classpath. In a real application, the configuration can be set to load from a central git repository, this way providing a clean way to version properties and the ability to centrally manage the properties. In this specific case, since it provides properties for two microservices, there are two sets of files in the classpath and provide appropriate properties to the calling application:

  message: Pong

# sample-ping.yml
  message: Ping

Starting up Eureka and Configuration Server

Since both these applications are Spring-boot based, they can each be started up by running the following command:

mvn spring-boot:run

Once Eureka and Configuration server come up cleanly., Eureka provides a nice interface with details of the services registered with it, in this case the Configuration server shows up with a name of "SAMPLE-CONFIG":

The config server provides properties to the calling applications through endpoints with the pattern:

So to retrieve the properties for "sample-pong" application, the following url is used internally by the application:


and for the "sample-ping" application the properties can be derived from http://localhost:8888/sample-ping/default

This concludes the details around bringing up the Infrastructure components of a Cloud ready system.  I will follow it up with how the microservices can be developed that make use of these infrastructure components. The code behind these samples are available at my github repository.