Sunday, February 22, 2015

Async abstractions using rx-java

One of the big benefits in using Rx-java for me has been the way the code looks exactly the same whether the underlying calls are synchronous or asynchronous and hence the title of this entry.

Consider a very simple use case of a client code making three slow running calls and combines the results into a list:

String op1 = service1.operation();
String op2 = service2.operation();
String op3 = service3.operation();
Arrays.asList(op1, op2, op3)

Since the calls are synchronous the time taken to do this would be additive. To simulate a slow call the following is the type of implementation in each of method calls:

public String operation() {"Start: Executing slow task in Service 1");
    Util.delay(7000);"End: Executing slow task in Service 1");
    return "operation1"

So the first attempt at using rx-java with these implementations is to simply have these long running operations return the versatile type Observable, a bad implementation would look like this:

public Observable<string> operation() {"Start: Executing slow task in Service 1");
    Util.delay(7000);"End: Executing slow task in Service 1");
    return Observable.just("operation 1");

So with this the caller implementation changes to the following:

Observable<String> op1 = service1.operation();
Observable<String> op2 = service2.operation();
Observable<String> op3 = service3.operation();

Observable<List<String>> lst = Observable.merge(op1, op2, op3).toList();

See how the caller composes the results using the merge method.

However the calls to each of the service calls is still synchronous at this point, to make the call asynch the service calls can be made to use a Thread pool, the following way:

public class Service1 {
    private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Service1.class);
    public Observable<String> operation() {
        return Observable.<String>create(s -> {
  "Start: Executing slow task in Service 1");
            s.onNext("operation 1");
  "End: Executing slow task in Service 1");

subscribeOn uses the specified Scheduler to run the actual operation.

The beauty of the approach is that the calling code of this service is not changed at all, the implementation there remains exactly same as before whereas the service calls are now asynchronous. If you are interested in exploring this sample further, here is a github repo with working examples.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Standing up a local Netflix Eureka

Here I will consider two different ways of standing up a local instance of Netflix Eureka. If you are not familiar with Eureka, it provides a central registry where (micro)services can register themselves and client applications can use this registry to look up specific instances hosting a service and to make the service calls.

Approach 1: Native Eureka Library

The first way is to simply use the archive file generated by the Netflix Eureka build process:

1. Clone the Eureka source repository here:
2. Run "./gradlew build" at the root of the repository, this should build cleanly generating a war file in eureka-server/build/libs folder
3. Grab this file, rename it to "eureka.war" and place it in the webapps folder of either tomcat or jetty. For this exercise I have used jetty.
4. Start jetty, by default jetty will boot up at port 8080, however I wanted to instead bring it up at port 8761, so you can start it up this way, "java -jar start.jar -Djetty.port=8761"

The server should start up cleanly and can be verified at this endpoint - "http://localhost:8761/eureka/v2/apps"

Approach 2: Spring-Cloud-Netflix

Spring-Cloud-Netflix provides a very neat way to bootstrap Eureka. To bring up Eureka server using Spring-Cloud-Netflix the approach that I followed was to clone the sample Eureka server application available here:

1. Clone this repository
2. From the root of the repository run "mvn spring-boot:run", and that is it!.

The server should boot up cleanly and the REST endpoint should come up here: "http://localhost:8761/eureka/apps". As a bonus, Spring-Cloud-Netflix provides a neat UI showing the various applications who have registered with Eureka at the root of the webapp at "http://localhost:8761/".

Just a few small issues to be aware of, note that the context url's are a little different in the two cases "eureka/v2/apps" vs "eureka/apps", this can be adjusted on the configurations of the services which register with Eureka.


Your mileage with these approaches may vary. I have found Spring-Cloud-Netflix a little unstable at times but it has mostly worked out well for me. The documentation at the Spring-Cloud site is also far more exhaustive than the one provided at the Netflix Eureka site.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Netflix Governator Tests - Introducing governator-junit-runner

Consider a typical Netflix Governator junit test.

public class SampleWithGovernatorJunitSupportTest {

    public LifecycleTester tester = new LifecycleTester();

    public void testExampleBeanInjection() throws Exception {
        Injector injector = tester
                .withBootstrapModule(new SampleBootstrapModule())

        BlogService blogService = injector.getInstance(BlogService.class);
        assertThat(blogService.get(1l), is(notNullValue()));
        assertThat(blogService.getBlogServiceName(), equalTo("Test Blog Service"));


This test is leveraging the Junit rule support provided by Netflix Governator and tests some of the feature sets of Governator - Bootstrap modules, package scanning, configuration support etc.

The test however has quite a lot of boilerplate code which I felt could be reduced by instead leveraging a Junit Runner type model. As a proof of this concept, I am introducing the unimaginatively named project - governator-junit-runner, consider now the same test re-written using this library:

@LifecycleInjectorParams(modules = SampleModule.class, bootstrapModule = SampleBootstrapModule.class, scannedPackages = "")
public class SampleGovernatorRunnerTest {

    private BlogService blogService;

    public void testExampleBeanInjection() throws Exception {
        assertEquals("Test Blog Service", blogService.getBlogServiceName());


Most of the boilerplate is now implemented within the Junit runner and the parameters required to bootstrap Governator is passed in through the LifecycleInjectorParams annotation. The test instance itself is a bound component and thus can be injected into, this way the instances which need to be tested can be injected into the test itself and asserted on. If you want more fine-grained control, the LifecycleManager itself can be injected into the test!:

private Injector injector;

private LifecycleManager lifecycleManager;

If this interests you, more samples are at the project site here.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Disambiguating between instances with Google Guice

Google guice provides a neat way to select a target implementation if there are multiple implementations of an interface. My samples are based on an excellent article by Josh Long(@starbuxman) on a similar mechanism that Spring provides.

So, consider an interface called MarketPlace having two implementations, an AndroidMarketPlace and AppleMarketPlace:

interface MarketPlace {

class AppleMarketPlace implements MarketPlace {

    public String toString() {
        return "apple";

class GoogleMarketPlace implements MarketPlace {

    public String toString() {
        return "android";

and consider a user of these implementations:

class MarketPlaceUser {
    private final MarketPlace marketPlace;
    public MarketPlaceUser(MarketPlace marketPlace) {
        System.out.println("MarketPlaceUser constructor called..");
        this.marketPlace = marketPlace;

    public String showMarketPlace() {
        return this.marketPlace.toString();


A good way for MarketPlaceUser to disambiguate between these implementations is to use a guice feature called Binding Annotations. To make use of this feature, start by defining annotations for each of these implementations this way:

@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
@interface Android {}

@Target({ElementType.FIELD, ElementType.PARAMETER})
@interface Ios {}

and inform the Guice binder about these annotations and the appropriate implementation corresponding to the annotation:

class MultipleInstancesModule extends AbstractModule {

    protected void configure() {

Now, if MarketPlaceUser needs to use one or the other implementation, this is how the dependency can be injected in:


class MarketPlaceUser {
    private final MarketPlace marketPlace;

    public MarketPlaceUser(@Ios MarketPlace marketPlace) {
        this.marketPlace = marketPlace;


This is very intuitive. If you have concerns about defining so many annotations, another approach could be to use @Named built-in Google Guice annotation, this way:

class MultipleInstancesModule extends AbstractModule {

    protected void configure() {

and use it this way, where the dependency is required:


class MarketPlaceUser {
    private final MarketPlace marketPlace;

    public MarketPlaceUser(@Named("ios") MarketPlace marketPlace) {
        this.marketPlace = marketPlace;


If you are interested in exploring this further, here is the Google guice sample and an equivalent sample using Spring framework