Thursday, August 28, 2014

Spring MVC endpoint documentation with Spring Boot

A long time ago I had posted about a way to document all the uri mappings exposed by a typical Spring MVC based application. The steps to do this however are very verbose and requires a fairly deep knowledge of some of the underlying Spring MVC components.

Spring Boot makes this kind of documentation way simpler. All you need to do for a Spring-boot based application is to activate the Spring-boot actuator. Adding in the actuator brings in a lot more production ready features to a Spring-boot application, my focus however is specifically on the endpoint mappings.

So, first to add in the actuator as a dependency to a Spring-boot application:


and if the Spring-Boot app is started up now, a REST endpoint at this http://machinename:8080/mappings url should be available which lists out all the uri's exposed by the application, a snippet of this information looks like the following in a sample application I have:

  "/**/favicon.ico" : {
    "bean" : "faviconHandlerMapping"
  "/hotels/partialsEdit" : {
    "bean" : "viewControllerHandlerMapping"
  "/hotels/partialsCreate" : {
    "bean" : "viewControllerHandlerMapping"
  "/hotels/partialsList" : {
    "bean" : "viewControllerHandlerMapping"
  "/**" : {
    "bean" : "resourceHandlerMapping"
  "/webjars/**" : {
    "bean" : "resourceHandlerMapping"
  "{[/hotels],methods=[GET],params=[],headers=[],consumes=[],produces=[],custom=[]}" : {
    "bean" : "requestMappingHandlerMapping",
    "method" : "public java.lang.String mvctest.web.HotelController.list(org.springframework.ui.Model)"
  "{[/rest/hotels/{id}],methods=[GET],params=[],headers=[],consumes=[],produces=[],custom=[]}" : {
    "bean" : "requestMappingHandlerMapping",
    "method" : "public mvctest.domain.Hotel mvctest.web.RestHotelController.get(long)"
  "{[/rest/hotels],methods=[GET],params=[],headers=[],consumes=[],produces=[],custom=[]}" : {
    "bean" : "requestMappingHandlerMapping",
    "method" : "public java.util.List<mvctest.domain.Hotel> mvctest.web.RestHotelController.list()"
  "{[/rest/hotels/{id}],methods=[DELETE],params=[],headers=[],consumes=[],produces=[],custom=[]}" : {
    "bean" : "requestMappingHandlerMapping",
    "method" : "public org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<java.lang.Boolean> mvctest.web.RestHotelController.delete(long)"
  "{[/rest/hotels],methods=[POST],params=[],headers=[],consumes=[],produces=[],custom=[]}" : {
    "bean" : "requestMappingHandlerMapping",
    "method" : "public mvctest.domain.Hotel mvctest.web.RestHotelController.create(mvctest.domain.Hotel)"
  "{[/rest/hotels/{id}],methods=[PUT],params=[],headers=[],consumes=[],produces=[],custom=[]}" : {
    "bean" : "requestMappingHandlerMapping",
    "method" : "public mvctest.domain.Hotel mvctest.web.RestHotelController.update(long,mvctest.domain.Hotel)"
  "{[/],methods=[],params=[],headers=[],consumes=[],produces=[],custom=[]}" : {
    "bean" : "requestMappingHandlerMapping",
    "method" : "public java.lang.String mvctest.web.RootController.onRootAccess()"
  "{[/error],methods=[],params=[],headers=[],consumes=[],produces=[],custom=[]}" : {
    "bean" : "requestMappingHandlerMapping",
    "method" : "public org.springframework.http.ResponseEntity<java.util.Map<java.lang.String, java.lang.Object>> org.springframework.boot.autoconfigure.web.BasicErrorController.error(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest)"

Note that by default the json is not formatted, to get a formatted json just ensure that you have the following entry in your file:


This listing is much more comprehensive than the listing that I originally had.

The same information can of course be presented in a better way by rendering it to html and I have opted to use angularjs to present this information, the following is the angularjs service factory to retrieve the mappings and the controller which makes use of this factory to populate a mappings model:

app.factory("mappingsFactory", function($http) {
    var factory = {};
    factory.getMappings = function() {
        return $http.get(URLS.mappingsUrl);
    return factory;

app.controller("MappingsCtrl", function($scope, $state, mappingsFactory) {
    function init() {
        mappingsFactory.getMappings().success(function(data) {
           $scope.mappings = data;


The returned mappings model is essentially a map of a map, the key of the map being the uri path exposed by Spring-Boot application and the values being the name of the bean handling the endpoint and if available the details of the controller handling the call, this can be rendered using a template of the following form:

<table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
        <th width="50%">Path</th>
        <th width="10%">Bean</th>
        <th width="40%">Method</th>
    <tr ng-repeat="(k, v) in mappings">

the final rendered view of the endpoint mappings is displayed in the following way:

Here is a sample github project with the rendering implemented:

Thursday, August 21, 2014

GemFire XD cluster using Docker

I stared learning how to build and use Docker containers a few days back and one of my learning samples has been to build a series of docker containers to hold a Pivotal GemFire XD cluster.

First the result and then I will go into some details on how the containers were built -

This is the GemfireXD topology that I wanted to build:

The topology consists of 2 GemFire XD servers each running in its own process and a GemFire XD locator to provide connectivity to clients using this cluster and to load balance between the 2(or potentially more) server processes.

The following fig definition shows how my cluster is configured:

  image: bijukunjummen/gfxd-locator
    - "10334"
    - "1527:1527"
    - "7075:7075"

  image: bijukunjummen/gfxd-server
    - "1528:1528"
    - locator
   - CLIENT_PORT=1528

  image: bijukunjummen/gfxd-server
    - "1529:1529"
    - locator
   - CLIENT_PORT=1529   

This simple fig definition would boot up and start the 3 container cluster, linking the Locator to the GemfireXD server and information about this cluster can be viewed through a tool called Pulse that GemFire XD comes packaged with:

This cluster definition is eminently repeatable - I was able to publish the 2 images "gfxd-locator" and "gfxd-server" to Docker Hub and using the fig.yml the entire cluster can be brought up by anybody with a local installation of Docker and Fig.

So how was the Docker image created:

I required two different Docker image types - a GemFire XD locator and a GemFire XD server, there is a lot common among these images, they both use the common Gemfire XD installation except for how each of them is started up. So I have a base image which is defined in the Dockerfile at this github location which builds on top of the CentOS image and deploys the Gemfire XD to the image. Then I have the Gemfire XD server and the locator images deriving from the base image with ENTRYPOINT's specifying how each of the processes should be started up.

The entire project is available at this github location - and the README instruction there should provide enough information on how to build up and run the cluster.

To conclude, this has been an excellent learning exercise on how Docker works and how easy Fig makes it to orchestrate multiple containers to create a cohesive cluste, to share a repeatable configuration.

I would like to thank my friends Alvin Henrick and Jeff Cherng for their help with a good part of the Docker and GemFire XD configurations!

Friday, August 1, 2014

Deploying a Spring boot application to Cloud Foundry with Spring-Cloud

I have a small Spring boot based application that uses a Postgres database as a datastore. I wanted to document the steps involved in deploying this sample application to Cloud Foundry.

Some of the steps are described in the Spring Boot reference guide, however the guides do not sufficiently explain how to integrate with the datastore provided in a cloud based environment.

Spring-cloud provides the glue to connect Spring based applications deployed on a Cloud to discover and connect to bound services, so the first step is to pull in the Spring-cloud libraries into the project with the following pom entries:



Once this dependency is pulled in, connecting to a bound service is easy, just define a configuration along these lines:
public class PostgresCloudConfig extends AbstractCloudConfig {

	public DataSource dataSource() {
		return connectionFactory().dataSource();


Spring-Cloud understands that the application is deployed on a specific Cloud(currently Cloud Foundry and Heroku by looking for certain characteristics of the deployed Cloud platform), discovers the bound services, recognizes that there is a bound service using which a Postgres based datasource can be created and returns the datasource as a Spring bean.

This application can now deploy cleanly to a Cloud Foundry based Cloud. The sample application can be tried out in a version of Cloud Foundry deployed with bosh-lite, these are how the steps in my machine looks like once Cloud Foundry is up and running with bosh-lite:

The following command creates a user provided service in Cloud Foundry:
cf create-user-provided-service psgservice -p '{"uri":"postgres://postgres:p0stgr3s@bkunjummen-mbp.local:5432/hotelsdb"}'

Now, push the app, however don't start it up. We can do that once the service above is bound to the app:
cf push spring-boot-mvc-test -p target/spring-boot-mvc-test-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war --no-start

Bind the service to the app and restart the app:
cf bind-service spring-boot-mvc-test psgservice
cf restart spring-boot-mvc-test

That is essentially it, Spring Cloud should ideally take over at the point and cleanly parse the credentials from the bound service which within Cloud Foundry translates to an environment variable called VCAP_SERVICES, and create the datasource from it.

There is however an issue with this approach - once the datasource bean is created using spring-cloud approach, it does not work in a local environment anymore.

The potential fix for this is to use Spring profiles, assume that there is a different "cloud" Spring profile available in Cloud environment where the Spring-cloud based datasource gets returned:

public class PostgresCloudConfig extends AbstractCloudConfig {

	public DataSource dataSource() {
		return connectionFactory().dataSource();

and let Spring-boot auto-configuration create a datasource in the default local environment, this way the configuration works both local as well as in Cloud. Where does this "cloud" profile come from, it can be created using a ApplicationContextInitializer, and looks this way:

public class SampleWebApplicationInitializer implements ApplicationContextInitializer<AnnotationConfigEmbeddedWebApplicationContext> {

	private static final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(SampleWebApplicationInitializer.class);

	public void initialize(AnnotationConfigEmbeddedWebApplicationContext applicationContext) {
		Cloud cloud = getCloud();
		ConfigurableEnvironment appEnvironment = applicationContext.getEnvironment();

		if (cloud!=null) {
		}"Cloud profile active");

	private Cloud getCloud() {
		try {
			CloudFactory cloudFactory = new CloudFactory();
			return cloudFactory.getCloud();
		} catch (CloudException ce) {
			return null;

This initializer makes use of the Spring-cloud's scanning capabilities to activate the "cloud" profile.

One last thing which I wanted to try was to make my local behave like Cloud atleast in the eyes of Spring-Cloud and this can be done by adding in some environment variables using which Spring-Cloud makes the determination of the type of cloud where the application is deployed, the following is my startup script in local for the app to pretend as if it is deployed in Cloud Foundry:



read -r -d '' VCAP_SERVICES <<'ENDOFVAR'


mvn spring-boot:run

This entire sample is available at this github location:


Spring Boot along with Spring-Cloud project now provide an excellent toolset to create Spring-powered cloud ready applications, and hopefully these notes are useful in integrating Spring Boot with Spring-Cloud and using these for seamless local and Cloud deployments.