Sunday, June 29, 2014

Spring Integration Java DSL sample - further simplification with Jms namespace factories

In an earlier blog entry I had touched on a fictitious rube goldberg flow for capitalizing a string through a complicated series of steps, the premise of the article was to introduce Spring Integration Java DSL as an alternative to defining integration flows through xml configuration files.

I learned a few new things after writing that blog entry, thanks to Artem Bilan and wanted to document those learnings here:

So, first my original sample, here I have the following flow(the one's in bold):

  1. Take in a message of this type - "hello from spring integ"
  2. Split it up into individual words(hello, from, spring, integ)
  3. Send each word to a ActiveMQ queue
  4. Pick up the word fragments from the queue and capitalize each word
  5. Place the response back into a response queue
  6. Pick up the message, re-sequence based on the original sequence of the words
  7. Aggregate back into a sentence("HELLO FROM SPRING INTEG") and
  8. Return the sentence back to the calling application.
 public DirectChannel sequenceChannel() {
  return new DirectChannel();

 public DirectChannel requestChannel() {
  return new DirectChannel();

 public IntegrationFlow toOutboundQueueFlow() {
  return IntegrationFlows.from(requestChannel())
    .split(s -> s.applySequence(true).get().getT2().setDelimiters("\\s"))

 public IntegrationFlow flowOnReturnOfMessage() {
  return IntegrationFlows.from(sequenceChannel())
    .aggregate(aggregate ->
      aggregate.outputProcessor(g ->
        Joiner.on(" ").join(g.getMessages()
          .map(m -> (String) m.getPayload()).collect(toList())))
      , null)

public JmsOutboundGateway jmsOutboundGateway() {
 JmsOutboundGateway jmsOutboundGateway = new JmsOutboundGateway();
 return jmsOutboundGateway;

It turns out, based on Artem Bilan's feedback, that a few things can be optimized here.

First notice how I have explicitly defined two direct channels, "requestChannel" for starting the flow that takes in the string message and the "sequenceChannel" to handle the message once it returns back from the jms message queue, these can actually be totally removed and the flow made a little more concise this way:

public IntegrationFlow toOutboundQueueFlow() {
 return IntegrationFlows.from("requestChannel")
   .split(s -> s.applySequence(true).get().getT2().setDelimiters("\\s"))
   .aggregate(aggregate ->
     aggregate.outputProcessor(g ->
       Joiner.on(" ").join(g.getMessages()
         .map(m -> (String) m.getPayload()).collect(toList())))
     , null)

public JmsOutboundGateway jmsOutboundGateway() {
 JmsOutboundGateway jmsOutboundGateway = new JmsOutboundGateway();
 return jmsOutboundGateway;

"requestChannel" is now being implicitly created just by declaring a name for it. The sequence channel is more interesting, quoting Artem Bilan -
do not specify outputChannel for AbstractReplyProducingMessageHandler and rely on DSL
, what it means is that here jmsOutboundGateway is a AbstractReplyProducingMessageHandler and its reply channel is implicitly derived by the DSL. Further, two methods which were earlier handling the flows for sending out the message to the queue and then continuing once the message is back, is collapsed into one. And IMHO it does read a little better because of this change.

The second good change and the topic of this article is the introduction of the Jms namespace factories, when I had written the previous blog article, DSL had support for defining the AMQ inbound/outbound adapter/gateway, now there is support for Jms based inbound/adapter adapter/gateways also, this simplifies the flow even further, the flow now looks like this:

public IntegrationFlow toOutboundQueueFlow() {
 return IntegrationFlows.from("requestChannel")
   .split(s -> s.applySequence(true).get().getT2().setDelimiters("\\s"))
   .aggregate(aggregate ->
     aggregate.outputProcessor(g ->
       Joiner.on(" ").join(g.getMessages()
         .map(m -> (String) m.getPayload()).collect(toList())))
     , null)

The inbound Jms part of the flow also simplifies to the following:

public IntegrationFlow inboundFlow() {
 return IntegrationFlows.from(Jms.inboundGateway(connectionFactory)
   .transform((String s) -> s.toUpperCase())

Thus, to conclude, Spring Integration Java DSL is an exciting new way to concisely configure Spring Integration flows. It is already very impressive in how it simplifies the readability of flows, the introduction of the Jms namespace factories takes it even further for JMS based flows.

I have updated my sample application with the changes that I have listed in this article -

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Thymeleaf - fragments and angularjs router partial views

One more of the many cool features of thymeleaf is the ability to render fragments of templates - I have found this to be an especially useful feature to use with AngularJs.

AngularJS $routeProvider or AngularUI router can be configured to return partial views for different "paths", using thymeleaf to return these partial views works really well.

Consider a simple CRUD flow, with the AngularUI router views defined this way:

app.config(function ($stateProvider, $urlRouterProvider) {

        .state('list', {
            templateUrl: URLS.partialsList,
            controller: 'HotelCtrl'
        .state('edit', {
            templateUrl: URLS.partialsEdit,
            controller: 'HotelEditCtrl'
        .state('create', {
            templateUrl: URLS.partialsCreate,
            controller: 'HotelCtrl'

The templateUrl above is the partial view rendered when the appropriate state is activated, here these are defined using javascript variables and set using thymeleaf templates this way(to cleanly resolve the context path of the deployed application as the root path):

<script th:inline="javascript">
    var URLS = {};
    URLS.partialsList = /*[[@{/hotels/partialsList}]]*/ '/hotels/partialsList';
    URLS.partialsEdit = /*[[@{/hotels/partialsEdit}]]*/ '/hotels/partialsEdit';
    URLS.partialsCreate = /*[[@{/hotels/partialsCreate}]]*/ '/hotels/partialsCreate';

Now, consider one of the fragment definitions, say the one handling the list:

file: templates/hotels/partialList.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns:th="" layout:decorator="layout/sitelayout">
    <title th:text="#{}">List of Hotels</title>
    <link rel="stylesheet" th:href="@{/webjars/bootstrap/3.1.1/css/bootstrap.min.css}"
    <link rel="stylesheet" th:href="@{/webjars/bootstrap/3.1.1/css/bootstrap-theme.css}"
    <link rel="stylesheet" th:href="@{/css/application.css}" href="../../static/css/application.css"/>
<div class="container">
    <div class="row">
        <div class="col-xs-12">
            <h1 class="well well-small">Hotels</h1>
    <div th:fragment="content">
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-xs-12">
                <table class="table table-bordered table-striped">
                    <tr ng-repeat="hotel in hotels">
                        <td><a ui-sref="edit({ hotelId: })">Edit</a> | <a
        <div class="row">
            <div class="col-xs-12">
                <a ui-sref="create" class="btn btn-default">New Hotel</a>

The great thing about thymeleaf here is that this view can be opened up in a browser and previewed. To return the part of the view, which in this case is the section which starts with "th:fragment="content"", all I have to do is to return the name of the view as "hotels/partialList::content"!

The same approach can be followed for the update and the create views.

One part which I have left open is about how the uri in the UI which is "/hotels/partialsList" maps to "hotels/partialList::content", with Spring MVC this can be easily done through a View Controller, which is essentially a way to return a view name without needing to go through a Controller and can be configured this way:

public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter {

 public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry) {


So to summarize, you create a full html view using thymeleaf templates which can be previewed and any rendering issues fixed by opening the view in a browser during development time and then return the fragment of the view at runtime purely by referring to the relevant section of the html page.

A sample which follows this pattern is available at this github location -