Saturday, May 31, 2014

Spring Integration Java DSL sample

A new Java based DSL has now been introduced for Spring Integration which makes it possible to define the Spring Integration message flows using pure java based configuration instead of using the Spring XML based configuration.

I tried the DSL for a sample Integration flow that I have - I call it the Rube Goldberg flow, for it follows a convoluted path in trying to capitalize a string passed in as input. The flow looks like this and does some crazy things to perform a simple task:

  1. It takes in a message of this type - "hello from spring integ"
  2. splits it up into individual words(hello, from, spring, integ)
  3. sends each word to a ActiveMQ queue
  4. from the queue the word fragments are picked up by a enricher to capitalize each word
  5. placing the response back into a response queue
  6. It is picked up, resequenced based on the original sequence of the words
  7. aggregated back into a sentence("HELLO FROM SPRING INTEG") and
  8. returned back to the application.

To start with Spring Integration Java DSL, a simple Xml based configuration to capitalize a String would look like this:

<channel id="requestChannel"/>

<gateway id="echoGateway" service-interface="rube.simple.EchoGateway" default-request-channel="requestChannel" />

<transformer input-channel="requestChannel" expression="payload.toUpperCase()" />  

There is nothing much going on here, a messaging gateway takes in the message passed in from the application, capitalizes it in a transformer and this is returned back to the application.

Expressing this in Spring Integration Java DSL:

public class EchoFlow {

 public IntegrationFlow simpleEchoFlow() {
  return IntegrationFlows.from("requestChannel")
    .transform((String s) -> s.toUpperCase())

public interface EchoGateway {
 @Gateway(requestChannel = "requestChannel")
 String echo(String message);

Do note that @MessagingGateway annotation is not a part of Spring Integration Java DSL, it is an existing component in Spring Integration and serves the same purpose as the gateway component in XML based configuration. I like the fact that the transformation can be expressed using typesafe Java 8 lambda expressions rather than the Spring-EL expression. Note that the transformation expression could have coded in quite few alternate ways:

??.transform((String s) -> s.toUpperCase())


??.<String, String>transform(s -> s.toUpperCase())

Or using method references:
??.<String, String>transform(String::toUpperCase)

Moving onto the more complicated Rube Goldberg flow to accomplish the same task, again starting with XML based configuration. There are two configurations to express this flow:

rube-1.xml: This configuration takes care of steps 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 :
  1. It takes in a message of this type - "hello from spring integ"
  2. splits it up into individual words(hello, from, spring, integ)
  3. sends each word to a ActiveMQ queue
  4. from the queue the word fragments are picked up by a enricher to capitalize each word
  5. placing the response back into a response queue
  6. It is picked up, resequenced based on the original sequence of the words
  7. aggregated back into a sentence("HELLO FROM SPRING INTEG") and
  8. returned back to the application.

<channel id="requestChannel"/>

<!--Step 1, 8-->
<gateway id="echoGateway" service-interface="rube.complicated.EchoGateway" default-request-channel="requestChannel"

<channel id="toJmsOutbound"/>

<!--Step 2-->
<splitter input-channel="requestChannel" output-channel="toJmsOutbound" expression="payload.split('\s')"

<channel id="sequenceChannel"/>

<!--Step 3-->
<int-jms:outbound-gateway request-channel="toJmsOutbound" reply-channel="sequenceChannel"
        request-destination="amq.outbound" extract-request-payload="true"/>

<!--On the way back from the queue-->
<channel id="aggregateChannel"/>

<!--Step 6-->
<resequencer input-channel="sequenceChannel" output-channel="aggregateChannel" release-partial-sequences="false"/>

<!--Step 7-->
<aggregator input-channel="aggregateChannel"
   expression="T(' ').join(![payload])"/>

and rube-2.xml for steps 4, 5:
  1. It takes in a message of this type - "hello from spring integ"
  2. splits it up into individual words(hello, from, spring, integ)
  3. sends each word to a ActiveMQ queue
  4. from the queue the word fragments are picked up by a enricher to capitalize each word
  5. placing the response back into a response queue
  6. It is picked up, resequenced based on the original sequence of the words
  7. aggregated back into a sentence("HELLO FROM SPRING INTEG") and
  8. returned back to the application.

<channel id="enhanceMessageChannel"/>

<int-jms:inbound-gateway request-channel="enhanceMessageChannel" request-destination="amq.outbound"/>

<transformer input-channel="enhanceMessageChannel" expression="(payload + '').toUpperCase()"/>

Now, expressing this Rube Goldberg flow using Spring Integration Java DSL, the configuration looks like this, again in two parts:
 public DirectChannel sequenceChannel() {
  return new DirectChannel();

 public DirectChannel requestChannel() {
  return new DirectChannel();

 public IntegrationFlow toOutboundQueueFlow() {
  return IntegrationFlows.from(requestChannel())
    .split(s -> s.applySequence(true).get().getT2().setDelimiters("\\s"))

 public IntegrationFlow flowOnReturnOfMessage() {
  return IntegrationFlows.from(sequenceChannel())
    .aggregate(aggregate ->
      aggregate.outputProcessor(g ->
        Joiner.on(" ").join(g.getMessages()
          .map(m -> (String) m.getPayload()).collect(toList())))
      , null)

public JmsMessageDrivenEndpoint jmsInbound() {
 return new JmsMessageDrivenEndpoint(listenerContainer(), messageListener());

public IntegrationFlow inboundFlow() {
 return IntegrationFlows.from(enhanceMessageChannel())
   .transform((String s) -> s.toUpperCase())

Again here the code is completely typesafe and is checked for any errors at development time rather than at runtime as with the XML based configuration. Again I like the fact that transformation, aggregation statements can be expressed concisely using Java 8 lamda expressions as opposed to Spring-EL expressions.

What I have not displayed here is some of the support code, to set up the activemq test infrastructure, this configuration continues to remain as xml and I have included this code in a sample github project.

All in all, I am very excited to see this new way of expressing the Spring Integration messaging flow using pure Java and I am looking forward to seeing its continuing evolution and may be even try and participate in its evolution in small ways.

Here is the entire working code in a github repo:

References and Acknowledgement:
  • Spring Integration Java DSL introduction blog article by Artem Bilan:
  • Spring Integration Java DSL website and wiki: A lot of code has been shamelessly copied over from this wiki by me :-). Also, a big thanks to Artem for guidance on a question that I had
  • Webinar by Gary Russell on Spring Integration 4.0 in which Spring Integration Java DSL is covered in great detail.

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Spring Rest Controller with angularjs $resource

Angularjs ngResource is an angularjs module for interacting with REST based services. I used it recently for a small project with Spring MVC and wanted to document a configuration that worked well for me.

The controller is run of the mill, it supports CRUD operations on a Hotel entity and supports the following methods:

POST /rest/hotels - creates a Hotel entity
GET /rest/hotels - gets the list of Hotel entities
GET /rest/hotels/:id - retrieves an entity with specified Id
PUT /rest/hotels/:id - updates an entity
DELETE /rest/hotels/:id - deletes an entity with the specified id

This can implemented in the following way using Spring MVC:

public class RestHotelController {
 private HotelRepository hotelRepository;
 public RestHotelController(HotelRepository hotelRepository) {
  this.hotelRepository = hotelRepository;

 public Hotel create(@RequestBody @Valid Hotel hotel) {

 public List<Hotel> list() {
  return this.hotelRepository.findAll();

 @RequestMapping(value="/{id}", method=RequestMethod.GET)
 public Hotel get(@PathVariable("id") long id) {
  return this.hotelRepository.findOne(id);
 @RequestMapping(value="/{id}", method=RequestMethod.PUT)
 public Hotel update(@PathVariable("id") long id, @RequestBody @Valid Hotel hotel) {
 @RequestMapping(value="/{id}", method=RequestMethod.DELETE)
 public ResponseEntity<Boolean> delete(@PathVariable("id") long id) {
  return new ResponseEntity<Boolean>(Boolean.TRUE, HttpStatus.OK);

Note the @RestController annotation, this is a new annotation introduced with Spring Framework 4.0, with this annotation specified on the controller, the @ResponseBody annotation on each of the methods can be avoided.

On the angularjs side, the ngResource module can be configured in a factory the following way, to consume this service:

app.factory("Hotel", function ($resource) {
    return $resource("/rest/hotels", {id: "@id"}, {
        update: {
            method: 'PUT'

The only change to the default configuration is in specifying the additional "update" action with the Http method of PUT instead of POST. With this change, the REST API can be accessed the following way:

POST /rest/hotels translates to:

var hotel = new Hotel({name:"test",address:"test address", zip:"0001"});

Or another variation of this:{}, {name:"test",address:"test address", zip:"0001"});

GET /rest/hotels translates to :

GET /rest/hotels/:id translates to :

PUT /rest/hotels/:id translates to :
var hotel = new Hotel({id:1, name:"test",address:"test address", zip:"0001"});

DELETE /rest/hotels/:id translates to:
var hotel = new Hotel({id:1});

To handle successful and failure outcomes just pass in additional callback handlers:

for eg. with create:
var hotel = new Hotel({name:"test",address:"test address", zip:"0001"});
  //on success
}, function(failedResponse){
  //on failure

A complete CRUD working sample with angularjs and Spring MVC is available at this github location:

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Spring Scala based sample bean configuration

I have been using Spring Scala for a toy project for the last few days and I have to say that it is a fantastic project, it simplifies Spring configuration even further when compared to the already simple configuration purely based on Spring Java Config.

Let me demonstrate this by starting with the Cake Pattern based sample here:

// =======================
// service interfaces
trait OnOffDeviceComponent {
  val onOff: OnOffDevice
  trait OnOffDevice {
    def on: Unit
    def off: Unit
trait SensorDeviceComponent {
  val sensor: SensorDevice
  trait SensorDevice {
    def isCoffeePresent: Boolean

// =======================
// service implementations
trait OnOffDeviceComponentImpl extends OnOffDeviceComponent {
  class Heater extends OnOffDevice {
    def on = println("heater.on")
    def off = println("")
trait SensorDeviceComponentImpl extends SensorDeviceComponent {
  class PotSensor extends SensorDevice {
    def isCoffeePresent = true
// =======================
// service declaring two dependencies that it wants injected
trait WarmerComponentImpl {
  this: SensorDeviceComponent with OnOffDeviceComponent =>
  class Warmer {
    def trigger = {
      if (sensor.isCoffeePresent) onOff.on

// =======================
// instantiate the services in a module
object ComponentRegistry extends
  OnOffDeviceComponentImpl with
  SensorDeviceComponentImpl with
  WarmerComponentImpl {

  val onOff = new Heater
  val sensor = new PotSensor
  val warmer = new Warmer

// =======================
val warmer = ComponentRegistry.warmer

Cake pattern is a pure Scala way of specifying the dependencies.

Now, if we were to specify this dependency using Spring's native Java config, but with Scala as the language, firs to define the components that need to be wired together:

trait SensorDevice {
    def isCoffeePresent: Boolean

  class PotSensor extends SensorDevice {
    def isCoffeePresent = true

  trait OnOffDevice {
    def on: Unit
    def off: Unit

  class Heater extends OnOffDevice {
    def on = println("heater.on")
    def off = println("")

  class Warmer(s: SensorDevice, o: OnOffDevice) {
    def trigger = {
      if (s.isCoffeePresent) o.on

and the configuration with Spring Java Config and a sample which makes use of this configuration:

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration
  import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean

  class WarmerConfig {
    def heater(): OnOffDevice = new Heater

    def potSensor(): SensorDevice = new PotSensor

    def warmer() = new Warmer(potSensor(), heater())

  import org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext

  val ac = new AnnotationConfigApplicationContext(classOf[WarmerConfig])

  val warmer = ac.getBean("warmer", classOf[Warmer])

Taking this further to use Spring-Scala project to specify the dependencies, the configuration and a sample look like this:

import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration
import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean
import org.springframework.scala.context.function.FunctionalConfiguration

class WarmerConfig extends FunctionalConfiguration {
  val h = bean("heater") {
    new Heater
  val p = bean("potSensor") {
    new PotSensor
  bean("warmer") {
    new Warmer(p(), h())

import org.springframework.context.annotation.AnnotationConfigApplicationContext
import org.springframework.scala.context.function.FunctionalConfigApplicationContext

val ac = FunctionalConfigApplicationContext[WarmerConfig]
val warmer = ac.getBean("warmer", classOf[Warmer])

The essence of the Spring Scala project as explained in this wiki is the "bean" method derived from the `FunctionalConfiguration` trait, this method can be called to create a bean, passing in parameters to specify, if required, bean name, alias, scope and a function which returns the instantiated bean.

This sample hopefully gives a good appreciation for how simple Spring Java Config is, and how much more simpler Spring-Scala project makes it for Scala based projects.