However, there are still a few places where an XML bean configuration is a better fit than the Java Configuration, here I am focusing on one such use case.
Consider a test case which requires a fixture with a lot of test instances of domain classes, assume a simple domain of a Member(a person) with an address. This would be expressed the following way using a Spring XML configuration:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <beans xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:p="" xmlns:c="" xsi:schemaLocation=""> <bean name="member1" class="el.Member" c:first="First1" c:last="Last1" c:address-ref="address1"/> <bean name="member2" class="el.Member" p:first="First1" p:last="Last1" p:address-ref="address2"/> <bean name="member3" class="el.Member" p:first="First1" p:last="Last1" p:address-ref="address3"/> <bean name="member4" class="el.Member" p:first="First1" p:last="Last1" p:address-ref="address4"/> <bean name="member5" class="el.Member" p:first="First1" p:last="Last1" p:address-ref="address5"/> <bean name="address1" class="el.Address" c:city="City1" c:state="State1"/> <bean name="address2" class="el.Address" p:city="City2" p:state="State2"/> <bean name="address3" class="el.Address" p:city="City3" p:state="State3"/> <bean name="address4" class="el.Address" p:city="City4" p:state="State4"/> <bean name="address5" class="el.Address" p:city="City5" p:state="State5"/> </beans>
The good thing about this configuration is that it is very easy to see the list of entities with Spring's c (constructor) and p(property) custom xml namespaces allowing a very concise expression.
On the other hand if the same fixture had been created through Java Configuration it would be a little more verbose, especially for cases where setters are used(like in member5 below):
@Configuration public class FixturesJavaConfig { @Bean public Member member1(){return new Member("first1", "last1", address1());} @Bean public Member member2(){return new Member("first2", "last2", address1());} @Bean public Member member3(){return new Member("first3", "last3", address1());} @Bean public Member member4(){return new Member("first4", "last4", address1());} @Bean public Member member5(){ Member member = new Member(); member.setFirst("first5"); member.setLast("last5"); member.setAddress(address5()); return member; } @Bean public Address address1(){return new Address("city1", "state1");} @Bean public Address address2(){return new Address("city2", "state2");} @Bean public Address address3(){return new Address("city3", "state3");} @Bean public Address address4(){return new Address("city4", "state4");} @Bean public Address address5(){return new Address("city5", "state5");} }
A matter of choice at the end of the day I suppose, but this has become a pattern that I have been using now - use Java Configuration where feasible, but use XML configuration for cases where a bunch of test fixtures need to be created.